South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, February 19, 2020


MOTION: Councillor Peter Kavanagh

Cathaoirleach's Business

"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to report on the application of the South Dublin County Council's Draft Sports Pitch Strategy in Area 2 and Rathcoole to clarify why Area 2 is earmarked for fewer pitches than other areas, despite population growth, the demand for pitches in Rathcoole Park and St. Mary's GAA."


The Sports Pitch Strategy is an analysis of supply and demand for playing pitches (grass and artificial); it plans for future need and makes recommendations regarding pitch demand, capacity and future requirements. The assessment focused on pitches used by the following sports: Soccer, GAA, Rugby Union, Hockey, Cricket, Athletics. The Strategy has just been developed and allows the Council to assess need and plan for future provision. 

The Strategy showed population growth predicted in all areas across the county, an increase in generation of teams and recommends that sports facility provision is required to grow and adapt to meet current and future demand, and that the management of facilities is required to adapt to meet demand.

The Sports Pitch Strategy estimates the difference between pitch capacity and pitch demand for sub areas within the county. (Note: sub areas are based on census catchments, not Local Electoral Areas).

Pitch capacity is calculated based on the quality of the pitches, which affects the amount of matches each pitch can support.

Pitch demand is generated from surveys of the clubs, information from council, governing bodies and stakeholders and examination of the population projections up to 2035 and resulting team generation rates.

The figures shown show  the amount of ‘match equivalents per week’ that will be over, or under, provided in each area.

The Strategy does not detail less pitches proposed for Area 2 than other areas. If nothing is done with existing pitches up to 2035: Area 2 shows a deficit of between 14 to 22 match equivalents per week. (Due to current deficit of public owned pitches in the area).

As a pitch can support between 1 to 4 matches (depending on quality of pitch and type of sport being played):

The deficit of 14 to 22 match equivalents can be resolved between now and 2035 by:

Current planned provision in Area 2 (on Development and / or SDCC land) include:

The council are currently undertaking a review of allocation policy; which will free up any currently under-utilised pitches to maximise their usage where possible.