Monday, January 13, 2020
Report of Meeting of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee held at 6pm on 4th December 2019 in IT Conference Room, 2nd Floor, County Hall.
In Attendance:
Cllr. E. Higgins (Chair), Cllr. E. Murphy, Cllr. C Bailey, Cllr. T. Gilligan and L. Olagoke (PPN).
Apologies: Cllr. V. Casserly
Officials present:
C. Ward, Director of Services and B. Hora, A./Senior Executive Officer.
HI.1 Minutes of Social and Community Strategic Policy Committee held on 19th February 2019
The minutes of the Social & Community SPC Meeting of 19th February 2019 were agreed.
H1.2 Matters Arising
HI.3 Role of SPC & Requirements under the Lobbying Regulation Act
C. Ward provided a brief overview of the SPC Scheme that was adopted at the Council Meeting on 14th October 2019 and drew attention to the obligations of committee members under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015. It was also noted that both documents are available for download for Committee members to review.
HI.4 Overview of Community Development
B. Hora presented an overview of the structure, key policies and activities of the Community Development Department for the Committee. In addition, C. Ward outlined some of the key objectives and items for the Committee during its tenure including:
Following contributions from Cllrs Higgins, Murphy, Bailey and Gilligan which were responded to by C. Ward and B. Hora, the report was noted.
H-I (5) Social Inclusion Festival 2019
A report was circulated on the 2019 Social Inclusion Festival.
Following discussion with contributions from Cllrs. Higgins, Gilligan, Bailey and Murphy, the committee agreed that it would establish a subcommittee in 2020 to advise and inform the Social Inclusion agenda in the County. This will ensure the activities of the Social Inclusion Festival are focused on the appropriate target groups and will inform the programme of work for 2020 and beyond.
H-I (6) Community Endeavour Awards
B Hora delivered a brief presentation on the Community Endeavour Awards (scheduled for Friday 6th December in the Red Cow Moran Hotel) which was noted by the Committee.
H-I (7) Age Friendly Initiatives
A report was circulated on Age Friendly Initiatives in the County which noted the urgent need to review and replace the current County Age Friendly Strategy.
It was agreed that proposals would be brought to the next Social, Community & Equality SPC meeting in February 2020 regarding the development and implementation of a new County Age Friendly Strategy to enhance the range of Age Friendly initiatives to make tangible impacts on older persons lives.
It was further agreed to establish a sub-committee to consider proposals and options in this regard in the intervening period.
H-I (8) Any Other Business
The meeting concluded at 7.20pm