South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, December 17, 2019


MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole

This committee calls on the Chief Executive to apply for grants that are available to local authorities, such as the ones listed below, for the purchasing “The Schoolmasters House”. Lucan village is lucky to have such a wealth of history and it’s a huge opportunity for South Dublin County Council to acquire such a building which would add value to the area and impact positively on Economic and Tourism for the village.

NEWS: €4.3m for Conservation for Protected & Historic Structures in 2020

Applications for funding towards the Conservation of Protected Structures and Historic Structure is now open.

The Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund will support the owners and custodians of protected structures in every local authority area across the country as they carry out hundreds of small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve our historic built environment.

The projects will provide support, training and local jobs in practice of conservation, traditional skills and construction. The funding announced by Minister Josepha Madigan TD  includes up to €2.5 million in Exchequer funding for the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and up to €1.8 million for the Historic Structures Fund.

Applications are now open and will close on 31 January 2020.

Details of the schemes and how to apply are available on all local authority websites.

Please contact your Local Authority Conservation Officer for additional details.

Town and Village Renewal Scheme


The old School House, Lucan Village is a protected structure under the Record of Protected Structures, Schedule 2, South Dublin County Development Plan 2016-2022, RPS Ref. 079. The property is in private ownership and therefore there are no plans for compulsory purchase of this site. With regard to the launch of National grant funding for conservation works to protected structures or those buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas, it is the responsibility of owner to apply for grant funding under the following schemes. Each Local authority can apply for funding under these schemes but only one application per LA will be accepted.

South Dublin County Councils allocation under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2020 (BHIS) is €60,000 for 2020 and the scheme is to assist property owners to carry out conservation repair works to their properties. South Dublin County Council are inviting owners of Protected Structures and buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas. Applications can be lodged for grants of between €2,500 up to a maximum of €15,000, with applicants required to provide a minimum of 50% of total costs. Those wishing to apply must complete the application form, provide a method statement and submit to the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer by the closing date of the 31st January 2020 for assessment. Those successful applications are then submitted to the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht by the 14th February 2020 for a final decision and issuing of provisional approval.

The Historic Structures Fund 2020 (HSF) was launched at the same time at the BHIS however the HSF is for larger scale conservation works with the primary focus is on caring for and restoring historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public. The core aims of this fund are to, enable larger scale conservation works to be carried out on heritage structures which are deemed to be significant and in need of urgent support; encourage the regeneration and reuse of heritage properties and to help to secure the preservation of protected structures and/or historic-culturally significant assets and support the investment of private capital in labour-intensive projects to conserve historic structures in public and private ownership for community use.

Stream 1 will offer grants from €15,000 up to €50,000 and is aimed at essential repairs and smaller capital works for the refurbishment and conservation of heritage structures (funding of up to €1m for 2020 under this Stream). Stream 2 will offer a small number of grants from €50,000 up to €200,000 for larger enhancement, refurbishment or reuse projects involving heritage structures, where a clear community or public benefit has been demonstrated (funding of up to €1m for 2020 under this Stream).

Details of both grant applications for Protected Structures and buildings located in Architectural Conservation Areas have been advertised and are on the Councils Website. The Councils Architectural Conservation Officer has also sent out details to those owners who have previous requests information but missed last year’s deadline. Details have also been circulated to Council management and staff with regard to possible applications for council owned Protected Structures.