Wednesday, December 18, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
"To ask the Chief Executive for a full and detailed report into complaints that have arisen about the fumes/emissions and the increased noise pollution that are coming from the SIAC site on Monastery Road? Among the issues are when Residents come out in the morning there is often a coating of dust on the cars. There is a droning noise, like a very large three phase motor or generator running late into the night. There is a strong smell of bitumen boiling bitumen fumes bitumen smoke. Some Families report an increased incidence of respiratory illnesses. Please detail what South Dublin County Council can do in regards to these issues?"
The Environmental Health Department has received two independent complaints from residents near the Siac site on Monastery Road. In addition, a number of similar phone calls and emails were received in the space of a few hours from team members using the adjacent GAA club.
Dust issues were not raised with the Environmental Health Department in recent weeks. The issues raised in complaints were in relation to noise and also emissions from the chimney on site.
In relation to the noise element of the complaint, Siac employed a consultancy company to carry out noise monitoring at the Complainant's property and at the end of the road in Floraville Avenue. Their monitoring indicated that noise levels were not excessive for nearby properties. They provided a summary sheet of monitoring results to the Environmental Health Department.
Following receipt of this information two Environmental Health Officers attended Floraville Avenue on two separate occasions on the same day. At both times the noise levels at the end of the road were not deemed excessive. Environmental Health Officers then called to the Complainant's home and following this discussed the issue on the phone with them. The Complainants agreed that night time noise had not been an issue in the days preceding this conversation. The improvement in noise levels could coincide with operation free flow which would impact upon business activity at this site. According to the complainants, the noise levels from the Siac site have reduced at this time.
The Environmental Health Department visited Siac and encouraged them to contact the GAA club directly to discuss the issue with them and provide information to them regarding the procedures onsite. Contact was made by them with GAA club representatives.
During the site visit Siac stated that the manufacturing process onsite has not changed recently. They are due to shut down the plant over the Christmas period at which time the machinery will be assessed for maintenance issues and where identified defects will be serviced and repaired.
Following the Christmas period and the termination of operation free flow, noise levels will be assessed in the nearby residential area where required.