Wednesday, December 18, 2019
MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey
"That this Committee expresses its regret at the decision by An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permission to Bartra Properties Ltd to build a 155 bedroom commercial development on the grounds of Clondalkin Church and Convent. This Committee recognises the detrimental effect that this development will have upon the heritage of the village of Clondalkin and to the historical and cultural importance of this ancient village and that this development will also have a detrimental effect on the Schools adjacent to the grounds."
The Presentation Convent is a protected structure. Permission was granted by South Dublin County Council, register reference SD18A/0328, for the development which is, in short:
Nursing home building comprising 155 bedrooms and all associated ancillary accommodation (7741sq.m gross floor area) in a part three, part four storey building located on the lands to the south and west of the convent building; Retirement home building comprising 14 bedrooms and all associated ancillary accommodation (916sq.m gross floor area) in a two storey wing to the south east of the convent and internally connected to the nursing home; Internal alterations and improvements to part of the existing convent building (Protected Structure) at ground, first and second floor levels which is to be used for nursing home staff accommodation (1203.3sq.m).
Additional information was requested on foot of a number of issues raised in the assessment, including those of the architectural conservation officer. A number of submissions were received from the public, Councillors and prescribed bodies and these were assessed as part of the planning application process.
Following the submission of significant additional information, at which stage submissions were again received from the public, a decision to grant was issued.
The application was subsequently appealed and a decision to grant was made by An Bord Pleanála on 19th November 2019. In their Order the Board states:
The proposed development is located on lands ‘to protect and/or improve residential amenity’ in the South Dublin County Development Plan 2016 to 2022. The proposed development comprises nursing home and retirement home accommodation which is permitted in principle on lands so zoned. Having regard to the design, scale and layout of the proposed development, to the pattern of development in the area and subject to compliance with the conditions set out below, it is considered that the proposed development would not detract from the setting or integrity of the Protected Structure on site, would not seriously injure the amenity of adjoining property or the visual amenities of the area, would not give rise to traffic hazard and would, therefore, be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
The grant of permission includes conditions for phasing, including the phasing of works to the Protected Structure. The conditions require that a conservation architect is employed during the works and best conservation practice is adhered to. The conditions also require a fully qualified landscape architect to be employed for the duration of the works. Over the course of the application, several changes were made from lodgement with South Dublin County Council, reducing the scale and mass originally applied for such that the Board was satisfied that a balance had been struck which sufficiently ensured the integrity of the Protected Structure and its curtilage while meeting Development Plan policy for the zoning and objectives for housing for older people.