South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, December 09, 2019


HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate



Proposed Variation No. 4 to the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2016-2022 seeks to respond to the recent changes in National and Regional planning policy, namely the publication of the National Planning Framework (NPF) in 2018 and the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) in 2019. Proposed Variation No.4 ensures consistency with the RSES, in particular the core strategy, and all other Regional Policy Objectives.


Project Ireland 2040; National Planning Framework (‘NPF’) was published on the 16th of February 2018, and sets out a course for planning and development in Ireland. The NPF was adopted on the 29th of May 2018 and was further supported by the publication of the Implementation Roadmap for the National Planning Framework (‘Roadmap’) which was published on the 3rd of July 2018. This document confirmed that the NPF was adopted as a strategy to replace the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) and advised that the NPF is of direct relevance to the preparation of Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSES) (adopted the 3rd of May 2019) and County Development Plans.

The Roadmap highlights that one of the key reasons the Government has put the NPF in place is to shape and coordinate planning, economic and spatial development and infrastructure investment at national, regional and local levels, through RSESs, prepared by the three Regional Assemblies, and City and County Development Plans and Local Area Plans.

Additional legislative provisions have been made under Section 11(1) of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018 which included provisions for the initiation of review of City/County Development Plans to be: 

I. Deferred on a once-off basis, where due to commence prior to or within a period of 3 months after the initial making of the relevant RSES, until not later than a period of 3 months after the relevant RSES has been made;

II. Temporarily suspended, where commenced and ongoing and where a draft plan has not been submitted to the members of the Planning Authority under Section 11(5)(a) of the Act, prior to the initial making of the relevant RSES in each case, until not later than a period of 3 months after the relevant RSES has been made; and

III. Rendered consistent with the RSES, either through (a) a variation of the Development Plan or (b) if considered more appropriate, a full review, to commence within a maximum period of 6 months after the making of the relevant RSES.

Option III is of relevance to South Dublin County Council (SDCC), as the current Development Plan was adopted in May 2016 and a deferral or suspension has not occurred. The RSES for the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) area was made on 28th June 2019. Therefore, following a detailed analysis of the RSES and the Development Plan, Proposed Variation No.4 was initiated.

A review and detailed analysis of the Core Strategy has been carried out and South Dublin County Council (SDCC) is satisfied that the Core Strategy aligns with the RSES population targets.

Proposed Changes

The Proposed Variation No. 4 will result in the following changes to the Development Plan:

  1. Amendments to the Core Strategy and associated tables in the written statement; and
  2. Amendments to text and objectives/policies throughout the written statement.

Chief Executive's Report on Submissions

Public consultation on Proposed Variation No. 4 took place from the 7th October 2019 to 4th November 2019 inclusive (a period of 4 weeks). A total of 13 submissions were received in respect of Proposed Variation No. 4 raising issues in relation to the following:

  1. Core Strategy
  2. Settlement Strategy
  3. Housing Strategy
  4. Climate Action
  5. Water Supply and Wastewater
  6. Transport

The Chief Executive's response and recommendation to the above issues is outlined in the attached Report.


Under Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act, the members of the authority, having considered the proposed variation and chief executive’ s report may, as they consider appropriate, by resolution,

The Chief Executive recommends to the Council that the members make Proposed Variation No.4 to the County Development Plan with the modifications recommended in the Chief Executive’s Report.