Monday, November 25, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
"To ask the CEO for an update on actions being taken to improve the image of Cookstown Industrial Estate appreciating the need to ensure that the Estate can continue to attract job creation opportunities and will he make a statement?"
"Cookstown Industrial Estate continues to be the focus of significant attention from the Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development Department. A number of local initiatives aimed at improving the condition, investment and employment potential of the area have been progressed under the Dublin Regional Enterprise Strategy and the Dublin Regional Action Plan for Jobs.
The Council Budget has provided for the continuation of the Business Support Funds in 2020. New promotional material and further marketing actions have been undertaken recently to encourage additional business owners in the Cookstown Industrial Estate and South Dublin County to avail of these supports and build on the successes achieved to date.
The BSF also includes Microenterprise/Start-up Support which encourages new micro enterprise owners who upgrade an existing vacant premises to avail of a graduated “rates holiday” for up to two years.
We currently have an enquiry from the Cookstown Management Company for improvements works to Cookstown Enterprise Centre (which comprise up to 30 individual units). A full detailed proposal on planned works is currently being prepared by the Management Company.
A second enquiry has been received from a company on Cookstown Road (on behalf of a group of companies in the vicinity of Cookstown Road / 2nd Avenue area of the estate) with further details to follow."
South Dublin County Council procured a study for the development of new enterprise/innovation space with associated enterprise support services in the County in 2017.
A Feasibility Report supporting the development of a new enterprise/innovation space with associated enterprise support services in the County was presented to and endorsed by the members of the County Council in 2018. The primary recommendations is that a 3,000 sq. metre enterprise/innovation space be provided in the County and the preferred location is the Tallaght Corridor, i.e., between the ITT ( now TU Dublin, Tallaght Campus) and Tallaght University Hospital (adjacent to Cookstown neighbourhood).
Following a Tender recent process a Design Team to develop this centre were appointed in October 2019 and this project is now progressing delivery through Planning and subject to same, to construction stage in 2020.
This Innovation Centre which will provide flexible space for Start-up and Scale-up companies while also supporting Community Development within the centre, will be an economic development catalyst for Cookstown, Tallaght and South Dublin