Monday, November 25, 2019
MOTION: Councillor L. Dunne
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to give an update on the infrastructure that was to be delivered through the phasing of housing developments within the Fortunestown Area Plan, given that there are a large number of SHD's that have been approved by An Bord Pleanala and other applications are waiting on approval for the Citywest Area.
The Citywest area has a Local Area Plan that is known as the Fortunestown LAP. It was made in 2012 and extended in June 2017 for a further 5 years. In recent years, housing construction activity in the Citywest area has significantly increased due to a number of factors including the economic upturn. There are a number of key housing sites under construction or with planning permission not commenced in the Citywest area; these sites have the capacity to deliver up to circa 2,074 units (figure at end of Q2 2019). The Fortunestown LAP includes phasing requirements for open space improvements, new open space/parks, provision of primary schools, junction upgrades, new roads and streets, post primary schools and community floorspace. Each planning application for residential development is assessed with regard to the phasing requirements of the LAP to ensure that housing delivery is integrated with delivery to community facilities and public amenities. To date, the delivery of the phasing requirements are largely integrated into the planning applications for the housing, in particular the construction of junctions and junction upgrades, Citywest Avenue extension, community floorspace and parks/ open space. A new primary school was constructed and is operational and a further 2 no. primary schools are currently under construction (by way of planning applications independent of housing). The Fortunestown LAP has a requirement for the delivery of community floorspace in tandem with the construction of housing units and to date, the developers are providing this on a pro rata basis across the LAP lands as part of the residential planning applications. The planning and community sections of the Council are undertaking an assessment of existing facilities in the Citywest area with a view to outlining a brief for a potential future community centre in the area. All potential options will be examined.
Additionally, the LAP requires the provision of parks and open space in the area and the planning permissions for houses granted to date have included community amenities such as a District Park, Neighbourhood Park and open space in accordance with the Fortunestown LAP and the phasing requirements. The housing units on these sites are under construction and the parks and open spaces will be delivered in tandem with the completion of units and in accordance with their respective planning permissions. While it is acknowledged that strategic housing development (SHD) applications, including those within the Fortunestown LAP, are ultimately decided by An Bord Pleanála, the planning authority, nonetheless has a key role in the process, which includes participation in formal pre-planning consultations and the submission of a Chief Executive’s(CE) report on a proposal to an Bord Pleanala. In such reports, the Council outlines the requirements of the LAP, assesses the proposal in terms of compliance with the LAP and provides a recommendation to An Bord Pleanala. The Council is monitoring the delivery of the required infrastructure in the LAP in tandem with the housing units.