Monday, October 14, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
To ask the Chief Executive if a comparison has been carried out in relation to carbon emissions per capita for each city or county administrative area in Ireland and if so, where does South Dublin compare?
The total carbon emissions per capita for each city or county in Ireland is calculated using statistical and quantitative data sourced from several origins including each City or County Council, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The 2016 Census established that the population of South Dublin at over 278,000 people.
Currently, not all Local Authorities have produced a full range of documents similar to those published by the 4 Dublin LAs, and while many may have presented figures detailing their CO2 emissions, an up to date study has not yet been made available. Some of the information presented has been extracted from EPA online sources to give a national perspective to accompany the DLA CO2 emission figures.
The South Dublin County Council Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) presents several graphical descriptions of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions by both the County Council and Total emissions from the county in 2017 broken down by sector. The information in the CCAP was produced on behalf of SDCC by Codema, who carried out similar exercises for the other 3 Dublin LAs. The CCAP identified that in 2017, SDCC produced 11,800 tonnes of CO2, predominantly through our use of electricity. Appendix II of the CCAP indicate that across the County, a total CO2 equivalent of 1,877,910 tonnes were produced, primarily by the transport, commercial and residential sectors.
To compare these figures with the other DLAs
2017 CO2 Emissions by LA
SDCC - 11,800 Tonnes
Dublin City Council - 40,370 Tonnes
Fingal County Council - 12,620 Tonnes
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council - 11,280 Tonnes
2017 CO2 Emissions by County
SDCC - 1,877,910 Tonnes
DCC - 2,810,880 Tonnes
FCC - 1,976,230 Tonnes
DLR - 1,139,570 Tonnes
National Figure - 60,740,000 Tonnes
2016 Population 2016 Households
SDCC - 278,749 - 92,363
DCC - 554,554 - 240,553
FCC - 296,020 - 104,851
DLR - 218,018 - 78,601
National - 4,761,865
With specific reference to the question, the CO2 emissions per capita are calculated as;
SDCC - 6.74 Tonnes/ Capita - 20.33 Tonnes/Household
DCC - 5.07 Tonnes/Capita - 11.68 Tonnes/ Household
FCC - 6.8 Tonnes/Capita - 18.85 Tonnes/ Household
DLR - 5.23 Tonnes/Capita - 14.5 Tonnes/ Household
Nationally - 12.75 Tonnes/Capita
Whilst the figures presented can be used as a comparison tool, it is important to note that the numbers produced by each county represent significantly different situations. For example, Car ownership and transport facilities are different between the city and the county area. Heavy industry and high energy users are more likely to have been established in the county than the city. Higher population density offer greater opportunities for energy efficiencies than less densely populated areas.
In terms of rural Counties, a large percentage of the CO2 equivalent emissions are produced by the agricultural sector (33.1% 2015, EPA), which accounts for 0.4% in South Dublin.
CO2 equivalent is a representation of the effect of each Greenhouse Gas quantified in terms of CO2, for summation purposes.