South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, September 18, 2019


HEADED ITEM: D. of Land Use, Planning and Transportation

Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme 2019



The purpose of this report is to summarise the outcome of the plan making process for the Clonburris SDZ. The final Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme 2019 is referred to as the consolidated Planning Scheme in this report.

An Bord Plenala Decision

An Bord Pleanála decided on May 8th 2019, under the provision of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, to approve the making of the planning scheme for Clonburris subject to modifications and clarifications.

The Development Agency (South Dublin County Council) has now prepared a consolidated Planning Scheme document, integrating the alterations and modifications approved by An Bord Pleanála. The consolidated Planning Scheme shall be used by the planning authority in assessing all planning applications in the SDZ.

SDCC will publish a notice of approval of the Scheme as required under the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, following the briefings of the Clondalkin and Lucan Area Committees. The Planning Scheme will be available at and at the planning counter.

Changes to the Draft Planning Scheme

This purpose of this report is to broadly outline the changes that were permitted to the Draft Planning Scheme (September 2017). There are 4 categories of changes that are now integrated into the Draft Planning Scheme by South Dublin County Council:

  1. Modifications made by An Bord Pleanala (May 2019)
  2. Clarifications and corrections by An Bord Pleanala (May 2019)
  3. Material Alterations made by SDCC (June 2018)
  4. Non Material Alterations made by SDCC (February 2018)

Source of Change


Material Alterations (June 2018) approved by An Bord Pleanala


Material Alteration Amended by An Bord Pleanala (May 2019)


An Bord Pleanala Modifications (May 2019)


An Bord Pleanala Corrections (May 2019)


Non Material Alterations to the Draft Planning Scheme (Feb 2018)




Please note that the changes above are not a comprehensive list of the changes to the Draft Planning Scheme as a number of the approved changes require consequential changes across the Planning Scheme e.g density increases impacted the unit numbers.

Summary of the key outcomes of the ABP decision

Details largely unchanged from the Draft Planning Scheme:

  1. Scheme based around two urban centres at Clonburris and Kishogue railway stations;
  2. Urban Framework layout including street network, urban centres and land uses;
  3. Quantum and location of strategic open space;
  4. Quantum and location of schools;
  5. Residential development locations, includes adjacent to Ashwood and R120 and;
  6. Phasing Programme.

In summary, the primary changes to the Draft Planning Scheme of the plan making process are considered to be:

  1. Removal of a series of Material Alterations made on phasing of public transport (bus, train and Luas);
  2. Increase in the density ranges for the Urban Centres, increasing the maximum units in the Planning Scheme to 11,098;
  3. Minor increase in the building height ranges fronting onto primary streets, increasing the maximum heights in the Urban Centres;
  4. Removal of pedestrian overbridge on Outer Ring Road;
  5. Removal of Material Alterations adopted by Elected Members that included specifics on amenities and pitches in Parks that preempted the Parks and Landscape Strategy;
  6. Addition of an option to allow a 10% transfer of residential units between sub sectors;
  7. An additional Landmark building at Clonburris Urban Centre;
  8. Caveat added to Phasing requirements to increase flexibility;
  9. Social and Affordable Housing text included in the Planning Scheme as per Material Alteration; and
  10. Fire Station and Garda Station text as per the Material Alterations.

Full Details of the An Bord Pleanala decision are available