South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, September 18, 2019


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

"That this Area Committee calls for the preservation of what's left of The Swiftbrook Paper Mills in Saggart and investigates how it can be preserved for future generations, This will include several Departments of South Dublin County Council working together.    We also request that the area is regularly maintained for litter and graffiti removal by South Dublin County Council.  Also that the Mill is clearly signposted and an information board is erected to explain its significance and history and the book written by Mervyn Ennis on Swiftbrook Paper Mills is made available in Bru Chrónáin. That a report be issued on what steps are and can be taken and what the current position of the Mills is in our County Development plan?  Also to clarify who owns the Mills and could South Dublin County Council take in charge in order to maintain and preserve it?"


The Rag Store, Mill Chimney and single-storey mill building are Protected Structures (RPS Ref. 330) located within the former Swiftbrook Mills.  The Rag Store is currently in residential use at first and second floor level and the incubator units at ground floor level are currently unoccupied.  The Mill Chimney and single-storey mill building were restored during 2014 by the owners who received funding under the Built Heritage Jobs Leverage Scheme (national grant funding for protected structures).  The existing Chimney and single storey building have not been taken in charge and therefore remain in private ownership. It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain the buildings.  The original boundary walls and entrance gates are also protected structures (RPS Ref. 314) and repairs and conservation works were carried out during the initial development of the site as part of the overall development for which planning permission was granted during 2001. A signpost was erected by the Saggart Historical group with funding from the Tourism Promotion Unit however, there is no interpretation as such at the site.

The book on the Mills written by Mervyn Ennis was published under the Heritage Plan budget in 2016.  A limited run was printed and some boxes were left with the County Library to distribute. The book is available in the Libraries. It is noted that facilities for making the book available at Bru Chronáin are limited.