Monday, July 08, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm the schedule now being followed in respect of the completion of the Play Space Programme; will he give details and make a statement.
The Playspace programme in South Dublin County Council is a 5 programme that commenced in 2014. The playspace programme aims to provide opportunities to play. This type of play allows children to develop their imagination, challenge their abilities, deal with risk and, critically, adapt their own environment.
The Play Space programme was established following the identification of a deficit of play areas for children in this county. This was documented in the policy document ‘Developing play in South Dublin County’ adopted by the Council in June 2006. However the development of play areas / playgrounds did not result in the immediate aftermath, due to the economic downturn and lack of development generally.
In recent years there has been an emphasis on the physical and mental well-being of children. Over the past 20 years there has been a significant rise in levels of obesity, childhood diabetes, high levels of stress and increasing sedentary lifestyles. A report the National Taskforce on Obesity estimates that 300,000 children in Ireland are now obese.
Delivery of Playspace Programme
The Play Space Programme is in the final stages of completion; a number of playspaces are being completed in 2019, which will see the completion of the programme.The programme has been very successful to date and has progressed through the significant active involvement from elected members and local communities, and direct engagement with children; this Council is now recognised favourably for creating new play opportunities close to where children live. A new type of play space delivery has been achieved – using the concepts of Natural Play and where children can create their own play opportunities.
Delivery to date:
The following play space projects have been constructed to date at an overall cost of approx. €1.2 million:
Planned Programme:
The total budget to complete the play space programme in is approximately €1,200,000. Design and build construction tenders are underway for a number of sites throughout the county. The following playgrounds have recently been completed or are currently in the final stages of being completed as part of the playspace programme.
Location |
Ballymount Park |
Bancroft Park |
Glendown |
Jobstown Park (large) |
Lucan Demesne |
Tymon Limekiln |
Whitechurch |
Willsbrook Park |
Perrystown |
Greenhills |
Newcastle (Dept of ED site) |
Collinstown Park (large) |
Delaford (on hold due to adjacent construction works) |
Old Bawn |
Upgrade works
Location |
Willington refurbishment works |
Tymon natural playground- sensory play area |
Ballycragh fencing and up grade |
Whitechurch Community Centre |
Corkagh Park |
Consultations were carried out at Boot Rd and Cannonbrook and it was decided not to proceed with playspaces at these locations; however existing playgrounds are being reviewed for any upgrades required. Going forward new playspaces can continue to be built at other locations where appropriate, however future projects will require funding approval through an annual capital budget allocation.
The programme is nearing completion and the following projects have been recently completed, are at construction phase, or a contractor has been appointed and works will be completed within the coming weeks: Whitechurch (substantially complete), Tymon Park-Limekiln (complete) and Glendown open space (complete). The proposed design for Delaford is being considered in the context of the proposed adjacent school which will commence construction shortly. Both Greenhills Park and Perrystown playgrounds are at tender stage with tenders received and being assessed. Subject to successful tender processes a contractor will be appointed shortly to both and construction programme can then be agreed.
Other playgrounds: