South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, May 07, 2019


Minutes of Meeting of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 14th February 2019


Cllr. C. King (Chair); Cllr. M. Ward; Cllr. E. Hendrick, Cllr. Mahon, Cllr. M. Genockey, Cllr. M. Duff., Cllr. T. Gilligan, Cllr. L. Dunne, C. McClean (PPN), & S. Harty (PPN).


B. Tyrrell-Collard.

Officials in attendance:

C. Ward, Director of Services, N. Hanly, Senior Executive Officer, E. Leech, Senior Executive Officer, M. Staunton, Senior Executive Officer & J. Sweeney, Senior Staff Officer.

The Meeting was Chaired by Cllr. C. King who welcomed new Committee member, Sharon Harty from the PPN.

H-I (1) – Minutes of Housing SPC Meeting on 19th November 2018.

The Minutes of the Housing and Social Development Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of the 19th November 2018 were AGREED.

H-I (2) – Matters Arising


H-I (3) – Respond Housing Association – Presentation on Family Hubs

Niamh Randall, Head of Advocacy and Communications for Respond delivered a presentation on the function, composition, operation and funding of Respond Housing Association, with a focus on their housing developments within the South Dublin area and their operation of homeless hubs.

Cllr. King thanked Ms Randall for her presentation and there followed questions from Cllr. King, Cllr. Ward, Cllr. Hendrick, Cllr. Dunne, Cllr. Mahon, C. McClean and S. Harty regarding various aspects of the service provided by Respond in family hubs. N Randall and the Respond delegation (which included Declan Dunne – CEO, Parag Jogleker – Head of Development and Anna McGreal – Homeless Service Co-ordinator) addressed queries raised. Cllrs thanked the Respond delegation and commended the 7 month turn-around time frame for clients to exit homeless hub. The report was NOTED.

H-I (4) – New Allocations Scheme/Allocations update

N. Hanly provided a presentation on a range of options for consideration for the draft New Allocations Scheme 2019 as well as an update on allocation numbers broken down by category and year to date from 2018 to-date.

There were contributions from Cllr. King, Cllr. Hendrick, Cllr. Ward, Cllr. Mahon, S. Harty, Cllr. Dunne and C. McClean and it was AGREED that the Housing Allocations Sub-Committee of the SPC would meet at 5pm on 6th March in the Housing Conference Room to consider the draft scheme with the draft document to be circulated to members in advance.

N. Hanly and C. Ward responded to the queries raised and the report was NOTED.

H-I (5) – Differential Rent Scheme

C. Ward advised members that the Committee had committed to reviewing the Differenial Rent Scheme (including the current €10 discount for each household with an OAP) and that this will be on the agenda for the next SPC meeting in September.

H-I (6) – Traveller Census Assessment/Traveller Accommodation Programme

E. Leech presented details on the key dates for implementation of new Traveller Accommodation Programme (TAP) 2019 – 2024 along with a review of the 2014 – 2018 TAP. The Annual Traveller Count was completed in December 2018 and the Traveller Accommodation Unit are in the process of identifying preferences for accommodation type to inform the new Tap.   Following contributions from Cllr King, Cllr Dunne, Cllr Ward, Cllr Mahon, S Harty and C McClean that were responded to by E. Leech and C. Ward, the report was NOTED.

H-I (7) – Housing Supply 2018 Out-turn/2019 Projections

M. Staunton presented a report on the delivery of the Housing Supply Targets for 2018 along with SDCC projections for delivery of Housing for 2019 based on projects currently in the pipeline. SDCC reports 97% delivery on 2018 targets, excluding figures for Homeless HAP. C. Ward advised that targets for 2019 have not yet been confirmed by DHPLG. It was requested that a copy of the figures would be forwarded by e-mail to each member of the Committee.

Following contributions from C. McClean, Cllr. Hendrick and Cllr. Mahon, the report was NOTED

H-I (8) – Draft Dublin Region Homeless Action Plan 2019-2021

C. Ward provided members with details of the Draft Dublin Region Homeless Action Plan 2019-2021 advising that it still a dynamic document and asked Cllrs to revert with any feedback for inclusion in the revised Draft Action Plan.

There followed contributions from Cllr Hendrick, Cllr Mahon, S.Harty and C.McClean which were responded to by C. Ward and N. Hanly after which the Action Plan was APPROVED by the Committee.

H-I (9) – AOB            No Business

The meeting concluded at 7.45 pm