South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, March 13, 2006


QUESTION: Cllr. Robert Dowds

To ask the Manager whether he would regard it as acceptable for a builder/ developer to trade the location of social and affordable housing intended for an affluent part of our county to a poorer part of the county and could he expand on pollicy in this regard?


The Council's Housing Strategy, which was prepared in accordance with Part V of the Plannin g & Development Act 2000, was adopted by the Council at its meeting held on 11th June, 2001. This Strategy was reviewed and now forms an integral part of the County Development Plan 2004-2010, which was adopted by the Council on 10th November 2004.

The strategy requires 15% of all new residential developments to be reserved for Social/Affordable housing purposes.  

The Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2002 amended Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000, which deals with housing supply.  New options and increased flexibility have been given as to how an applicant for permission can comply with the requirements of Part V.  The applicant is able to reach agreement to reserve land or provide houses or sites at another location.  Alternatively the developer can make a payment to the local authority which will be used for the provision of social and affordable housing.  Any alternative agreement must result in a contribution of an equivalent monetary value to the authority of the reservation of land within the development.

In reaching agreement with the developer on his compliance with the Part V requirement this Council's preferred option is to acquire units on site and it would only be in exceptional circumstances that a financial contribution would be considered.  In a small number of cases, due to very particular circumstances, off site provision of either social or affordable may be considered. The Council is always mindful in its negotiations with developers of promoting and advancing social inclusion and of acquiring units at an affordable price for eligible applicants on the Affordable Housing List. 

The Local Authority must also have regard to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area to which the application relates, the housing strategy and the views of the applicant in relation to the impact of the agreement on the development.This may necessitate on occasion an alternative option to our preferred option being used