South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, April 23, 2019


HEADED ITEM: Environment

Litter Management Plan - Quarterly review.

for April - Caroline O Reilly


Litter Management Implementation/Action Plan - 2019 Q1 Update

                                                                  April 2019 ACM





Time Frame

Raise awareness of roles and responsibility of various stakeholder relating to litter management

Enforcement & Licensing


Implement all relevant legislation, regulations and bye-laws

Enforcement & Licensing

Ongoing active enforcement of all provisions of the Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended, Waste Management Acts & Associated regulations, Control of Dogs – dog fouling

Legal Proceedings

January – March ‘19

17 cases referred prosecution

7 cases listed for court hearing

1 appeal listed for court hearing

Continue to operate the Customer Relations Management Systems (MembersNet, FYS, Customer Contact System, Environmental Complaints System) to track complaints/reports from initial contact to resolution

Enforcement & Licensing

January to March 2019

Total 1,286

Members Net


Fix your street




No. of reports of Drug Paraphernalia


Investigate incidents of littering and illegal dumping

Enforcement & Licensing

Ongoing foot patrols by Litter Warden service, with emphasis on county towns and villages.  All incidents reported investigated for evidence

Fixed Payments Notices issued

Jan – March 2019

Total      131

Illegal dumping and litter - 111

Failing to keep public place litter free –6

Unauthorised signs -14

Maintain high profile targeted warden service with foot and drive by patrols as appropriate in towns, villages, cemeteries and allotments

Enforcement & Licensing


Use overt and covert CCTV cameras and technologies to monitor areas prone to illegal dumping and to support enforcement action

Enforcement & Licensing

CCTV/ Rapid Deployment Cameras installed  

Audio devices at Ballyowen Bottle Banks and Sean Walsh Park Bottle Banks.

Engage on a regional basis to develop solutions to tackle dumping in the Dublin region (Smart Dublin)

Enforcement & Licensing


Manage and maintain Memorandums of Understanding with utility companies in relation to graffiti removal

Enforcement & Licensing


Operation of village cleaning programme including weekend service

Public Realm

Daily village cleansing in all town and village centres (Monday to Friday and Sundays) was undertaken throughout Q1 2019

Continuous village maintenance work in Tallaght, Clondalkin and Lucan undertaken throughout Q1 2019

Litter bin and cleaning service carried out in various parks on bank holiday weekends (Sean Walsh, Tymon, Corkagh and Griffeen Valley) throughout Q1 2019

Planned and scheduled clean-ups of identified litter blackspots in the county


Public Realm

Continuous clean—ups of areas prone to repetitive instances of illegal dumping (Scheduled and planned)

Servicing and maintenance of Bring Banks to ensure that they are litter free

Public Realm

Ongoing service of facilities by three service providers (74 recycling / bring centres).  

Conclude review litter bin provision in Public Realm having regard to Litter Bin Placement Protocol

Public Realm

The Solar Bin Pilot (agreed for Rathfarnham) is about to commence, and any decision for further roll out of Solar Bins will be determined on the outcome of the Rathfarnham pilot.

Enforce litter control measures in Conditions of Allocation for Playing Fields

Public Realm

 Ongoing – notices issued to clubs on a weekly basis regarding post-match clean ups

Targeted inspection of playing pitches with high litter issues

Public Realm

 Ongoing – notices issued to clubs on a weekly basis regarding post-match clean ups

Use of internal systems to track and manage the removal graffiti from public property.

Public Realm

 Reported Graffiti tracked on CC system.

MOU in place with various utility companies where reports are forwarded to the relevant bodies for scheduled removal

Targeted programme to remove bonfire material from public places in advance of Halloween

Public Realm



Mapping of Halloween bonfires to identify trends and inform planned interventions (talk to Teresa/Leo/IT)

Public Realm



Clean up and removal of Halloween bonfire material in timely manner

Public Realm


Operate Laneway Maintenance programme at identified locations across the county and continue to seek solutions to issue

Public Realm


Provide scheduled waste removal for registered local community groups engaged in community clean ups

Public Realm

Facilitated 560 community clean ups in Q1

Participation and support for National Spring Clean events

Public Realm


Promote Anti-Litter & Anti-graffiti promotional/media awareness schedule  (dog fouling, anti-litter, illegal dumping, anti-graffiti radio and cinema advertisement campaigns)

Communication & Awareness

Campaigns ongoing on radio and in cinema to promote this initiative.


Implement pilot South Dublin Canvas pilot project

Communication & Awareness

The Dublin Canvas project ongoing and is in the early stages for 2019.

Administer Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant

Communication & Awareness

The AL/AG grant 2018 was fully administered and will be advertised out again in the 2nd quarter of 2019 if notification is received from DCCAE

Promote environmental schools poster and slogan competition

Communication & Awareness

Completed and awards ceremony with the mayor and

Promote the Green Dog Walkers initiative and responsible dog ownership

Communication & Awareness

Promoted out through social media also out through the Tidy Towns groups. Stand available for any groups to promote.

Promote National Gum Litter Task Force

Communication & Awareness

Expected to be launched in the 2nd quarter.

Promote and support National Spring Clean

Communication & Awareness

Taking & queries over 50 groups signed up already. Photocall to launch event with Mayor on 20th March.

Promote and support the PURE Initiative

Communication & Awareness

Env Awareness continue to support Pure initiative.

Promote and support Tidy Towns Initiative

Communication & Awareness

 GDW and conscious cups promoted out.

Review and promote Social Credit Scheme

Communication & Awareness

Env Awareness continue promote SCS

Support community groups through Social Credit Scheme

Communication & Awareness

 Minor landscaping and the paint scheme are now available to all groups under this scheme.

Figures for SCS

Jan : 184

Feb : 187

March : 189

Provide support  and administer the Green Schools Programme

Communication & Awareness

Ongoing support provided to schools

12 Workshops provided in Q1.

 All schools sent out a reminder last week about the closing date for renewal visits.

Promote Seasonal Campaigns

Communication & Awareness


 Schools poster competition.

Leafs programme

GDW Iniative

Green school assessments.

Advertisements ongoing in cinema radio adverts.


 Design and distribution of green schools newsletter.

Poster comp deadline.

Climate change campaign

Green schools assessments.

Advertisements ongoing in cinema radio adverts.


Deadline for renewal GS applications.

GS Assessments.

LAPN project application to EPA.

Schools poster competition presentation.

World water day.

Conscious cups handed out again to 200 staff.

Advertisements ongoing in cinema radio adverts.

NSC photocall with Mayor