Monday, April 08, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
Could the Chief Executive advise if dog litter bins in the county will be considered in future bye-laws by the Environmental SPC.
The Environment SPC reviewed the Council's policy on the provision of bins for dog waste during the 2017/18 SPC meetings. The recommendation was that no change was proposed in this regard. A specific service for collection and disposal of dog litter would require a major change to the existing collection operation. Provision of dog litter specific bins and trucks would be required and the waste would need to be handled separately from other litter bin waste. The provision of standard litter bins which can accept all types of waste including dog waste (properly bagged) is considered the best approach in this regard. There is a network of circa 700 litter bins in the county of which 120 are located within Council Parks.
In efforts to combat the problem of dog fouling, and as part of the Litter Management Plan, the Council has embarked on a high level anti - Dog Foul campaign as follows:
Dog Litter Signage (3 different designs x 100 of each) are available and requests for signage are considered on a case by case basis and signs are only erected on demonstrated need. The location of the request is examined for suitability and if deemed suitable signs can be erected. If there is/are registered group(s) in existence in an area, signage may be provided directly to the group through the Social Credit Scheme with the caveat that such signage erected must have due regard for public health and safety, and must not impede visibility or restrict traffic, cycling and pedestrian flow. Also, if it is proposed to co-use a pole, authorisation will be required. Alternatively requests are added to the current signage waiting list, pending determination of suitability, and availability of resources for signage erection.
Similarly, a very forceful media campaign continues through cinemas and radio adverts. The development of dog fouling advert was an element of the 2017 LMP Action Plan and part of the wider anti-litter awareness campaign that included anti-litter and illegal dumping adverts.
Currently, dog litter stickers are being piloted on existing litter bins demonstrating that these receptacles are suitable for such litter.
Green Dog Walker (GDW) promotion material at popup stands are available in Council's public buildings. As GDW is a community led initiative GDW pop up stand is also made available to community groups for use at community events.
The Council continues to develop and improve existing strategies and action plans for the management of litter within , the county which includes dog foul, and this will continue in 2019.