South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, April 08, 2019


MOTION: Councillor P. Donovan

That this council calls on the Planning department to introduce a mechanism for establishing an authentic plebiscite for permeability requests that arise when new development is applied for adjacent to well established sites.  Precedent was set during Clonburris SDZ plan that was debated and agreed to deal with the need to include existing well established communities in decisions that affect them. 


The Permeability Best Practice Guide (NTA, 2013), which was prepared in collaboration with South Dublin County Council and engineering consultants, demonstrates how best to facilitate demand for walking and cycling in existing areas and draws on the experience of permeability projects within the County and elsewhere. The said publication represents the most up-to-date and relevant guidance available and includes recommendations in relation to utilisation of public consultation. The Guide’s implementation is supported and embedded in the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2016-2022.

The provision of permeability projects in SDCC will continue to include a public consultation process in accordance with the Guide. The subject motion seeks the inclusion of a further stipulation (plebiscite) that may delay, duplicate and undermine aspects of the statutory process for consultation on local authority projects. The Planning Department considers that the recommended consultation in the Guide ensures meaningful and transparent public consultation.

Within the context of the potential of the subject motion to undermine the realisation of permeability projects, it is advised that research (Permeability Best Practice Guide, 2013) has shown that local improvements can reduce walking and cycling distances to schools, shops, public transport and other community facilities. These can have many local economic, public transport, health and community development benefits, including a shift to more sustainable modes of transport.

It is therefore advised that the subject motion is not appropriate and would both complicate and undermine the statutory consultation process for permeability projects and the existing guidelines.

The subject motion refers to the Clonburris SDZ planning making process and outlines that there is a relevant precedent. In preparing the Clonburris Planning Scheme, there were a range of motions and submissions received and considered with regard to permeability, including a motion referencing the establishment of a plebiscite, as requested by a recognised residents association. This motion was tabled as part of the Special Meeting on the Proposed Material Alterations on June 19th 2018. The motion was not recommended by the Chief Executive. The motion was discussed and then withdrawn by Councillor Gogarty.

Please be advised that the relevant Material Alteration to the Planning Scheme (as made by Planning Authority on 19th June 2018) on permeability states:

‘2.2.3 Pedestrian and Cycle Movement…

Notwithstanding any Proposed Local Pedestrian, Cyclist or Vehicular Link indicated in this Planning Scheme, any new pedestrian/cycling route or vehicular link to/from existing residential estates that involves the opening or removal of existing boundary walls or railings, or any change to cul de-sacs adjacent to development, will only be progressed following a public consultation in accordance with the Permeability Best Practice Guide (NTA, 2013) and approval by the elected members through the part 8 process.’


It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.