Tuesday, March 26, 2019
MOTION: Councillor D. O'Brien
That this Area Committee call on the Chief Executive to carry out some work in Waterstown Park new playground. The slide needs to be modified as small children can not access it. Drainage works need to be done under the zip line as it is flooded after a bit of rain. The playground could also do with some extra seating.
There are 2 slides in the new playspace in Waterstown. Both slides require an ability to climb to the top in order to use them. This requirement is a safety feature of the slides and ensures that the child has the strength and ability to use the slide correctly and safely. Similar features (usually high steps) are included on other equipment to prevent children from accessing it unless they also have the ability to use the equipment.
One of the slides in Waterstown allows children to come from the car park and slide down the bank towards the play area. This is quite a long slide and the access to it is designed to ensure children, who are still developing their abilities, have to wait until their parent / guardian is beside them who can assess the risk on their behalf, or accompany them on the slide if required. In addition it prevents inadvertent access to the slide by younger children running on ahead of their parents. Of course the design also facilitates chidlren who are capable of negotiating the slide; having access to it.
The second slide is in the sand play area. Children naturally develop their physical literacy at different ages and some children from 2 onwards can climb into the nest and access the slide while others will find it more difficult. A child who cannot climb on their own into the nest may not have the required strength and balance to navigate the net and to sit upright on the slide. This challenge is an integral part of the experience of play and reducing this challenge reduces the play value of the playground. It is important that a playground presents on-going risk assessment opportunities and challenges to children, otherwise they quickly outgrow the playground as it does not allow them to incrementally develop their abilities over months and years.
It is also important to point out that the Council cannot modify playground equipment. Each item has certification for its design and on installation has independent safety inspection carried out to ensure it is installed correctly. Modifying play units unit would mean they would not be in compliance with safety standards and could not be insured.
The works at the zip line are not yet completed. The contractor has to connect the drainage under the zip line mounding into existing drainage in the park. This work has already been agreed with the contractor and will be carried out in the coming weeks along with other agreed works.
The entire budget for the playground has all been allocated and there is no remaining funding at this stage for additional elements or additional seating. Consideration will be given to additional seating, especially accessible benches, as funding becomes available.