South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, March 25, 2019



South Dublin County Council has prepared Draft Local Area Plan (LAP) for Tallaght Town Centre. The Plan area includes 382 hectares of land including Tallaght Village, the Town Centre, Cookstown Industrial area, Belgard Road and Airton Road, South City Business Park, Sean Walsh Memorial Park and the Technological University Dublin/Tallaght (formerly ITT)

The Town Centre area presents significant opportunities in relation to brownfield regeneration, public transport connectivity, sustainable transport, green infrastructure, tourism and economic development. The plan takes a long term view of the future development of Tallaght providing a context for the 6 year timeframe of the Local Area Plan


The overarching Strategy for plan lands is to provide for the following;

South Dublin County Council is now proposing to commence the consultation on Draft Local Area Plan. This draft consultation will ensure that local opinions will be heard and taken into account before a LAP is made. The Draft LAP will is accompanied by an Environmental Report prepared as part of a Strategic Environmental Assessment under Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations, 2004 - 2011. The Draft LAP is also subject to Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC).

The Draft Local Area Plan and accompanying Information will be available to the public during normal opening hours (excluding public holidays) in the County Library, Tallaght, and at County Hall, Tallaght during the consultation process. All relevant information will also be available on the council website at

Council staff will be available to answer general queries and provide guidance on the Draft Consultation at times specified in the public notices on commencement of the consultation.

Submissions and observations in relation to the Draft LAP Consultation are welcomed and can be made to South Dublin County Council during the consultation process. Full details will accompany the public notices.


Next Stages

(1) Public Consultation on Draft LAP (6 weeks) 21st March/4th April- 3rd May/10th May 2019

(2) Chief Executive’s Report on Consultation to Elected Members (6 weeks) June 2019

(3) Elected Members Consider Chief Executive’s Report and Draft LAP and make or amend the LAP (6 weeks) August 2019

(4) If LAP deemed made it comes into effect after 4 weeksSeptember 2019

Subject to final review of the Tallaght Local Area Plan (LAP) by the Planning Department, it is anticipated that the Tallaght LAP will go on public display for a period of 6 weeks from either the 28th of March 2019 or Thursday 4th of April 2019. The exact date for the proposed public consultation will be confirmed in advance of Thursday 28th of March 2019.