Wednesday, March 20, 2019
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee requests that South Dublin County Council assist the Clondalkin Community to formulate a pollinator strategy that is line with the All Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020 (and that contact is made with Clondalkin Tidy Towns and Sruleen Community Development Association who have expressed a particular interest in this)."
Local Authorities around the country, including South Dublin County Council, have been undertaking, and are continuing to undertake, numerous projects that benefit pollinators under the objectives of local County Heritage Plans, local County Biodiversity Action Plans and most recently, under the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. A draft Biodiversity Action Plan for South Dublin County is currently under preparation and is expected to be on display in May 2019, at which time comments on SDCC’s plan for biodiversity on the County will be invited from interested individuals and bodies.
The SDCC County Development Plan also has numerous policies and objectives which outline the Council’s commitment to biodiversity which are mainly contained within Chapter 8, Green Infrastructure, and Chapter 9, Heritage, Conservation, and Landscapes of the County Development plan 2016-2022.
The majority of actions currently undertaken by the Council that benefit pollinators involves a restructuring of mowing patterns and timings. Altered mowing regimes are in place in a number of the Council’s larger parks for the benefit of pollinators and biodiversity in general: 13 separate areas in Tymon Park totalling 18 ha and 3 areas along the Dodder Valley Park totalling 5 ha. These areas were chosen for their particular soil types, the nature of their botanical composition, and their contribution to the amenity enjoyment of these parks. The Heritage Officer is currently developing the Biodiversity Action Plan for the Council which will expand on this work and develop further objectives for the county. The Biodiversity Action Plan can act as a basis for community groups to respond to and develop their own priorities and actions in local areas that respond to county wide objectives. It is suggested that interested groups and individuals get involved in the development of the County Biodiversity Action Plan via the public consultation portal once the public consultation commences.