Tuesday, February 26, 2019
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for an update on the implementation of the public realm requests submitted by the Palmerstown Meitheal Tidy Towns Committee as part of the three year Strategic Plan for the area which was part funded by this Council. Also, to specifically state the time frame for the delivery of those requested for the 2019 period.
An on-site meeting took place with the Meitheal Group in November 2018 to review the requests submitted for works in the Palmerstown area. An update on the various items is provide below.
Kennelsfort Road trees: Work has been completed on the 64 trees pits. Soil levels were reduced where possible and grass/weeds were removed. There are some tree pits where flowers/bulbs have been planted so the soil was not disturbed at these locations. A number of replacement trees were also planted. Bark mulch was applied to all tree pits.
Kennelsfort/R148 Junction: Hollies have been purchased for this site and following further local discussions were provided to the Meitheal group who arranged for them to be planted.
New Litter Bins for Palmerstown Village (preferably stainless steel - like those at Manor Road shops) A review of the Litter Management Plan 2015-2019 is currently being undertaken. The provision of bins throughout the county will be examined as part of the review. Specifically, the type of bin that is provided in towns and villages will be examined to ensure that a consistent approach is taken in these locations. At this stage it is not proposed to replace the bins in Palmerstown Village with similar bins to Manor Road. The bins in the village will be assessed and any that are damaged or are no longer fit for purpose will be replaced.
Request to remove the sign over gateway between Zafran Takeaway & Boyle Sports: The sign is not on public property or in a location under SDCC maintenance. Further investigation is ongoing with the Meitheal group to determine a course of action.
Maintenance of derelict SDCC site (opp Old Beehive restaurant) – A cleanup of this site is being arranged for 2019 in consultation with the Property Management Section of the Economic Development Department.
Waterstown Park – Shrub pruning, planting, weeding and mulching works have been undertaken in the vicinity of the Stewarts Car Park vehicle entrance.
There were a number of requests for works which do not fall under the remit of the Public Realm Section. These include the bicycle shelter on the R148 and the pedestrian barrier at the junction of the R148/Kennelsfort Road. These requests have been forwarded to the Road Maintenance Section for their attention.