South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, February 14, 2019



Minutes of the Meeting of Housing Strategic Policy Committee held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 19th November 2018



Cllr C. King (Chair)

Cllr M. Ward

Cllr. E. Hendrick

Cllr K. Mahon

Cllr M. Genockey



Catriona McClean, PPN



Cllr L. Dunne

Gillian McWilliams

Betty Tyrrell-Collard, ICTU


Council Officials

C. Ward, Director of Services

M. Staunton, Senior Executive Officer

N. Hanly, Senior Executive Officer

E. Leech, Senior Executive Officer

J. Sweeney Senior Staff Officer


The Meeting was Chaired by Cllr. C. King.

H-1(1) – Minutes of Housing SPC Meeting on 13th September 2018.

The minutes of the Housing and Social Development Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of the 13th September 2018 were AGREED following clarification by C. Ward following a query from C. McClean.

H-1(2) – Matters Arising

No Business

H-1(3) – Allocations Update

N. Hanly provided a report on the breakdown of the allocation of SDCC housing properties to-date, including a specific breakdown on the housing needs of people in the over 55 age bracket on the Housing Waiting List and on the Transfer List.  There were contributions from Cllrs. King, Hendrick, Genockey, Ward & Mahon.  COncerns were expressed that tenants in oversized accommodation should not be pressured to downsize and that any communication and marketing for downsizing/rightsizing needed to be appropriate and sensitibe.  Consideration also to be given to reporting Time in Homeless Accommodation and Time in Hubs.  Following responses from C. Ward & N. Hanly, the report was NOTED.

H-1(4) – ASB Strategy

E.Leech presented an update on the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy following the review by the sub-Committee of the draft document. There were contributions from Cllr. Genockey, Cllr. Ward, Cllr. Mahon, Cllr. King and Cllr. Hendrick following which it was AGREED that the draft strategy be brought to the December Council meeting for approval subject to any changes to the draft suggested by An Garda Siochána or other prescribed body to be communicated to members in advance.  E. Leech also advised that a summary document containing the key points of the strategy will then be prepared for circulation and distribution to appropriate locations throughout the County (Community Centres, Estate Management meetings, ASB clinics etc.). 

H-1(5) – Traveller Accommodation Programme

E. Leech presented details on the timeline for delivery of new Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019 – 2024 which was NOTED.

A discussion followed with contributions from Cllr. King, Cllr Ward, Cllr. Hendrick and C. McClean (PPN) and clariifcations by E.Leech & C.Ward. Committee members in particular welcomed the timely draw-down by the Council of available funding  and the positive level of engagement by staff in the Traveller Accommodation Unit with the travelling community. The Committee requested that a representative from the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee be invited to engage with the Council on the new TAP and that the Council continue to develop further points of contact within the traveller community on the programme.


H-1(6) – Part V

M. Staunton presented an overview and update on Part V including key legislation, objectives, process, delivery and reporting. The shift in focus by developers from delivering 3 bed units to more 2 bed and 1 bed units was noted in particular by the Committee.   A discussion followed with contributions from Cllr. King, Cllr. Ward, Cllr. Mahon and C. McClean (PPN) with responses by C. Ward and M. Staunton.  The report was NOTED and it was AGREED that future reporting to Area Committees on Part V delivery will include breakdown by estate name, number and type of units, details in relation to management of units and that reports are to be provided at agreement and delivery stages.

H-1(7) – Family Hubs

N.Hanly provided a report on the location and function of family hubs. Following a discussion with contributions from Cllr. King, Cllr. Ward, Cllr. Hendrick, Cllr Mahon, Cllr. Genockey and C. McClean (PPN) to which C. Ward & N. Hanly responded, the Committee requested further details to inform future discussions on this matter in relation to:

The report was NOTED by the Committee and it was AGREED that a representative from Respond! Housing Association be requested to attend the next meeting of the SPC to provide details in relation to the operation of the family hub at Firhouse.

H-1(8) – AOB

No Business.

The meeting concluded at 7:20 pm.