South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, February 12, 2019


MOTION: Councillor P. Foley

"That this Area Committee reuests that the ongoing works to the playing pitches in Tymon park is addressed.  Is further infrastructure such as lighting planned? After the grass has grown is the plan to have fencing around these two pitches? Is all the earth moving completed as there are still some areas that seem to require attention? Could the Chief Executive give a statement on the matter."


Pitch Nos. 146 and 142 at Tymon Park were granted Sports Capital Grant Allocation from the DTTAS and have been subject to intensive upgrade works in 2018. Footpath closures and diversions were required for the duration of the works due to the location of the pitches and the intensity of the construction works. Works were substantially complete by October / November and all footpath closures were removed at this stage, the two pitches are now fenced off to ensure establishment occurs.  Once the fencing is removed post establishment there are no plans to install further fencing as the council do not support fencing-off grass pitches within open parkland. This would effectively limits the amenity value of the area to a selected number of people. The value of fencing in preventing access is limited and the resultant repairs to breached fences is an on-going cost to the council. The design of the pitch has incorporated banks on several sides of the pitches. It is envisaged that this will limit unauthorised access. There are some minor works remaining to a small training area adjacent to Pitch 146, and it was contrary to proper practice to continue the work over the winter so this work will be finalised in the spring once the earth is sufficiently dry and weather is favourable for earthworks once more. The patience of neighbours, users of the park and the general public has been very much appreciated during these upgrade works.

With regard to lighting there is planning permission in place in relation to Pitch 142. The following is an extract from An Bord Pleanala decision Ref: PL06S.245652 in relation to the appeal of the refusal of planning permission by SDCC (ref SD15A/0225) for proposed flood lighting at that pitch.

“PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Erection and installation of six number floodlight columns each of 21. 34 metres with associated floodlights on each column (with 10 number lighting fixtures on each of the four corner installations and 13 number lighting fixtures for the two remaining columns) on pre-cast foundations each of 1.07 metres approximately underground with 0.61 metres visible above ground of 400 millimetres diameter on each column to provide light levels of 500 lux horizontal, over a period of September through to April inclusive only, associated control gear to provide on/off control and monitoring of lighting system, electrical works, including connection to the national electricity supply network, low level lighting along an existing path adjacent to the floodlit pitch, and associated site works at Pitch 4, Tymon Park, Wellington Lane Templeogue, Dublin.


The development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the plans and particulars lodged with the application, as amended by the plans and particulars received by An Bord Pleanala on the 19th day of October, 2015, except as may otherwise be required in order to comply with the following conditions. Where such conditions require details to be agreed with the planning authority, the developer shall agree such details in writing with the planning authority prior to commencement of development and the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the agreed particulars. Reason: In the interest of clarity.

A bat survey shall be undertaken annually at the site of the proposed floodlights, for a period of three years following commencement of operation of the development. The survey shall be undertaken by an ecologist with appropriate qualifications, training and experience in bat surveys1 and shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the "Bat Mitigation Guidelines for Ireland -Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 25"1 issued by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (2006) or any document that might supersede it. Surveys shall incorporate appropriate time periods during which the development is in operation and otherwise. The survey reports shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with, the planning authority within three months of completion of each annual survey. Reason: To monitor bat species in the area during times of activity.

The proposed floodlights shall not operate outside the hours of 16:00 to 21 :30 on any day and shall be confined to the months of October to March only. Reason: To protect bats in the area during times of activity”

In relation to Pitch 142, there are no current proposals before the Council in relation to the provision of flood lighting at that location; nor is there funding provided for same within the current Sports Capital Grant Allocation.

There is a further sports capital grant allocation for the upgrade of Pitch 148 in Tymon Park. The design for this pitch upgrade is currently underway and elected representatives will be kept informed of progress in this regard.