South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, February 11, 2019


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor

To ask the Chief Executive if he shares the concerns of members in respect of the serious illegal dumping of household waste in the Dublin mountains in recent times; will he outline what actions are being taken in respect of the matter and in responding will he also take the opportunity to confirm  what assistance is available from the Council to local volunteers working to combat such disgraceful behavior.


The PURE - Protecting Uplands and Rural Environments project is a regional initiative involving South Dublin, Wicklow, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Councils and as well as Coillte, National Parks & Wildlife Service, and a number of non-statutory organisations including the Wicklow Uplands Council with the aim of halting incidents of small scale illegal dumping/fly-tipping.

The Pure project focuses directly on combating illegal dumping/fly-tipping in the Wicklow/Dublin Uplands, incorporating a number of enforcement and preventative measures, media/PR campaigns, public awareness campaigns, community projects, and educational initiatives.

The PURE project utilises a dedicated clean-up vehicle which responds to incidents of fly-tipping/illegal dumping, PURE also work with the Councils to identify the illegal dumpers for follow up action including prosecution by the Local Authorities. 

PURE Collections 2014-2018

Description 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 TOTAL
Number of Complaints Received by Pure across all areas 1072 1102 1141 800 1074  
Pure Collections (No. of collections carried out following complaints and monitoring) 777 908 935 1010 973 4603
Tonnes Collected (No. of tonnes collected across all areas – not possible to break down to SDCC only) 161 203 252 233 212  
South Dublin area (No. of complaints received by PURE within the SDCC region) 211 256 258 299 297 1321
SDCC Contribution €20,000 €12,193 €10,000 €10,000 €10,000 €62,193

In conjunction with removing illegal dumping in the Dublin and Wicklow mountains PURE have a strong communications and awareness programme, including:

Website and social media – providing information on all aspects of Pure

Facebook –

Twitter –

The Pure Mile – an environmental project that encourages communities, groups, individuals, walking groups, cycling groups, scout groups, and all members of society to adopt rural roads and work together to improve and enhance the environment.

An extensive regional and national P.R. and media campaign to create awareness of the effects of illegal dumping

In addition the Council's Social Credits Scheme (SCS) is available to assist community groups and individuals who take ownership of their environment and improve their local area by carrying out pro-environmental actions such as community clean-ups (2,800 in 2018), collection of material by Council following clean up, maintenance of community gardens, graffiti removal and weeding of footpaths. The following materials are available to local volunteers in such groups: litter pickers, bags, hi-vis vests, shovels, brushes, gloves, paint, blub, plants etc. Groups interested in availing of the above supports can contact Environmental Awareness @