Wednesday, January 16, 2019
MOTION: Councillor E. Higgins
"That this Committee gets an update on the 300k projects approved in 2018."
The Council can provide the following updates on projects supported and funded through the participatory budgeting initiative in the Clondalkin Electoral Area in 2018/19.
Project | Update |
Safety and Inclusivity Study of Clondalkin's Public Spaces | The Council has met with Dr Joanne Bourke, a researcher who recently worked on Dublin City Council's Safer Cities report, as part of market research into carrying out this study. The Council also met with the project submitter over initial thoughts for the project. A contact list for research is being created for use once the project commences. A tender will issue for the study once market research has been completed. |
Pedestrian Link between the Round Tower and Corkagh Park | Project has been assigned a project coordinator within the Land Use, Planning and Transportation department. |
Restoration of Old Nangor Road Water Pump | Council has been in contact with Clondalkin Tidy Towns around questions with this project. |
WiFi Activated Self-Guided Walk - Historical Trail of Clondalkin | Tender document is to issue once Council's IT department have agreed on areas such as the app's security features. Once the tender is issued, it is estimated that it will be a 6-8 week turnaround to roll out the app. |
Bottle banks and recycling facilities for Cherrywood | Council staff identified two locations but both have been refused. They are currently investigating suitable locations along Bawnogue Road going towards Melrose Estate. |
New Play Ground, Forest Hill Estate | The Council has agreed to meet with Forest Hill Residents Association prior to the commencement of the design stage. It is envisaged that consultation will commence in Q1 2019. |
Renovate Portocabin for the Clondalkin Men Shed | The Clondalkin Men's Shed is carrying out the renovation work and submitting receipts as work completes, the first of which has already been carried out and funding drawn down on. |
New Christmas Lights for Clondalkin Village | It was agreed with Clondalkin Chamber that they will use the money on infrastructure improvements in 2019 for future Christmas lighting displays. |
Acoustic Piano for the Rathcoole Community Centre | The Council's Community section is in discussions with Rathcoole Community Centre around where to place the piano and how the booking system will be operated. |
Gym Equipment and Activities for Rathcoole Community Centre | Rathcoole Community Centre is obtaining quotes on equipment within the agreed funding amount to submit to the Community team. |
Planting Flowers across the Bawnogue Area | Project has been assigned a project coordinator within the Environment, Water and Climate Change department. |
On-Street Bicycle Pump, Clondalkin Villlage | Site location to be identified. |
Welcome to Clondalkin Hedge Signage | Council staff are consulting with project submitters to set suitable location in Newland's Cross for the hedge display. |
A Community Orchard, Clondalkin Electoral Area | Native apple trees to be sourced, as agreed at full Council meeting. Meeting held with project submitter on initial ideas around the proposal. |
Irish Signs for Clondalkin | Project has been assigned a project coordinator within the Land Use, Planning and Transportation department. |