South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, January 14, 2019


QUESTION: Councillor D. Looney

To ask the Chief Executive if he will ensure that the green economy is fully supported in South Dublin County by aligning the work of the draft Climate Change Action Plan with the policies of the Local Enterprise Office, the work of the Economic Development, Enterprise & Tourism SPC, the LECP, and other bodies and policies for which this Council has responsibility; will he consider grant schemes and other supports for new enterprises making a positive environmental impact, and to make a statement on the matter. 


Due to provisions in the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015, local authorities must have regard for the National Adaptation Framework and the National Mitigation Plan in the delivery of services and operations, and produce adaptation plans in accordance with guidance provided in the Local Authority Adaptation Strategy Development Guidelines 2018. Planning authorities play an important co-ordinating role through the formulation and implementation of development plan policies and objectives, and particularly by influencing private sector development through the development management process. In effect, this process helps address mitigation and adaptation requirements, as policies and objectives are implemented in new developments on foot of permissions. County development plans, local area plans and Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) planning schemes can address climate change issues at a local level.

The actions in the Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2019 - 2024 have been gathered based on this remit. SDCC’s focus is on climate-proofing the areas that it has direct responsibility for. In areas outside its remit, SDCC will work to support the implementation of the sectoral adaptation and mitigation plans developed by government departments and other agencies.

The four Dublin Local Authorities developed the plans on the initiative of the councils' respective Environment Strategic Policy Committees. A series of workshops and seminars have taken place in 2017/18 involving the 4 Dublin Local Authority Climate Change working group nominees, Codema and the members of the 4 Dublin Local Authority Environment SPCs. The SDCC Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2019 - 2024 also involved stakeholders from across all departments within the council, key actions were developed collaboratively by departments and subsequently included in the plan as target actions.

An inter-departmental Climate Action Steering Committee has been established and working with the Climate Action unit and the Climate Action Regional Office will deliver the implementation, progress monitoring and updating of the actions contained within the plan.

The Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2019 - 2024 requires a Strategic Environment Assessment and Appropriate Assessment, public consultation on the plan will begin on Monday, February 11th, running for six weeks and ending on Monday, March 25th. The Mayor will launch the public consultation process for the plan in County Hall on Tuesday, February 19th. There will be public information sessions held during February and March. A presentation on the plan can also be made to the next meeting of the Economic Development, Enterprise & Tourism SPC.

The South Dublin Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 – 2021 includes a series of economic objectives each of which identifies target actions and the key stakeholders involved. These actions are aimed at putting the appropriate infrastructure, enterprise and employment supports in place to improve the level and quality of economic activity across the County.

The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) provides financial grants, mentoring, training and other supports to assist new and developing micro-enterprises with job creation and sustainment in the County. The LEO operates a service level agreement with Enterprise Ireland, who also offer supports to companies through various funds that they make available. One of our LEO supported companies was successful in the recent “Disruptive Fund” from the Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation. They are part of a consortium proposing a cooperative energy trading system, in the Tallaght area.

The Council's 2019 Budget provided for the continuation of the Business Support Funds through a range of supports specifically aimed at increasing occupancy and activity in industrial areas to increase economic activity and support additional local employment. A full report on the Business Support Fund and its future direction was provided to the November 2018 Economic Development, Enterprise and Tourism SPC Meeting and further initiatives under the fund will be continue to be guided by the SPC. An assessment of the Business Support Fund is currently underway and will be discussed at an upcoming SPC. Consideration could be given to broadening the terms of the fund to enable supports to be made available to green economy projects.

The Council has been a key partner in the Dublin Action Plan for Jobs 2016-2018 and the proposed successor plan The Regional Enterprise Action Plan to 2020 which aims to realise the full jobs potential of the Dublin region by stimulating enterprise and growth using the collaborative strengths of the region. The draft Action Plan is being currently finalised and it includes proposed actions to help Support Dublin enterprises to adapt to more sustainable practices.