South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, November 26, 2018


MOTION: Councillor B. Ferron

"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive if a report can be prepared on the use of scramblers and quads in the Tymon Area. This Committee notes with regret that recent legislation calling on the Gardai to be given the power to seize these bikes was defeated in the Dáil.  In the absence of this could the Council examine if a meeting between various stakeholders in the area can be convened, this should include the Gardai, The Council, Local Representatives and of course local Residents."


"On-going problems associated with scramblers and quads in some parts of the county is causing distress to residents, sporting clubs and the Council as their quality of life is being impacted negatively through extreme damage to community open spaces and playing facilities. The council is actively working with An Garda Síochána, community representatives and residents of various housing estates in relation to this issue. Following motions passed by this Council a regional taskforce was established earlier this year involving the four Dublin Local Authorities, Department of Justice, Department of Transport, An Garda Síochána, Motorcross Ireland and the Road Safety Authority in relation to deal with ongoing matters about the use, misuse and dangers of scramblers and quadbikes across Dublin City and County.

The first meeting of the taskforce took place on Thursday 21st June 2018 in County Hall, Tallaght and was very well attended. Focus for the Task Force include legislation and enforcement, and is considered timely given Minister Flanagan's recent announcement that he is set to consider additional legislation to tackle the anti-social misuse of scramblers and quad bikes.  At the second meeting of the task force which was held on September 13th representatives from the Dept of Justice which included Minister Flanagan's legal advisor confirmed that they have sought advices from the office of the Attorney General on a range of relevant matters and when this advice has been provided they will be in a position to proceed.  The third meeting of the taskforce was held on November 14th.  At the meeting the Dept of Justice informed the group that advice has come back from the Attorney General's office indicating that new legislation in this area is not advisable but that existing legislation could be amended so as to extend the powers of the Gardai to deal with the relevant issues.  The existing legislation referred to is the Road Traffic Act and any proposed changes to this legislation will have to be agreed with the Dept of Transport who are responsible for it.  Further work therefore is necessary to identify and agree the changes which are required and the Dept of Justice representatives agreed that both the Gardai and local authorities would also be consulted on the matter.

Public Realm works have been initiated at some locations in an attempt to combat the problem of scramblers and quads accessing parks and open spaces, for example approximately 800m of high railing has been erected around Butler McGee Park at Drumcairn Estate at an approximate cost of €100,000 and reps from the St Marks GAA club have now asked that this fence also be extended along the boundary on Cookstown Road.  Requests have also been received for boundary treatment works at Killinarden Park, Jobstown Park, Dodder Valley Park, Tymon Park (at the Basketball Arena), Bancroft Park, Glenshane Green and St Cuthbert's Park in Clondalkin to name just some of the locations where this anti social behaviour is ongoing.  Commitments have to date been given in relation to some of these requested boundary treatments at Killinarden Park, Tymon Park and Bancroft Park.

The Council is cognisant that as requests for new and improved boundary treatments continue to be received, and as the list grows, the potential cost of both honouring commitments already given as well as responding positively to new requests received has the potential to escalate to a level where the current financial provision cannot meet what is required. 

The Council has in the past met with residents at Bancroft Park in relation to these matters to discuss measures to combat the problem.  A meeting also took place at Killinarden Community centre over the summer attended by the Council, the Gardai, the community centre staff, the principal of the local secondary school as well as a representative from the Croi Ro Naofa club.  If further meetings of this type are required then they can be facilitated."