Monday, November 26, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would present an up to date report in respect of all matters raised by Kingswood Heights Residents Association at its most recent Deputations meeting; will he appreciate that the Association is anxious to seek progress and would he make a statement?"
"The Traffic Section prepared a drawing setting out area along Kingswood Avenue where parking bays were to be located and the extension of double yellow lines. This was given to the Councillors at a recent Traffic Management Meeting and a response is awaited. Drawing attached.
The following items were dealt with by the Council's Public Realm Section at the deputations meeting in November 2017 -
Tennis Courts - The Council to liaise with the residents group regarding revamping of Tennis Courts and ensuring a committee or club is in place to monitor and take charge of these courts. No further discussions have taken place on this matter to date with the local residents. The residents grouop will be contacted again in the near future on this matter and if required a provision for works to be carried out on the tennis courts can be made in the 2019 improvement works programme, which will require the approval of the elected members.
Ballymount Park - Council staff were to meet with residents to examine the shrubbery and the nature signs with a view to getting new signage and upgrading of green areas and also explore what options may be available regarding the installation of a jetty/platform, also arrange to have graffiti removed and shrubbery cleaned up. This meeting took place and agreed works were subsequently carried out.
Kingswood Castle heritage project - Public Realm to consult with the Council's Architectural Conservation Officer about any monies previously allocated to Kingswood Castle. This query has recently been passed to the conservation officer and a response is awaited.
The Black Path area - the Council agreed to look at this with a view to costing works to include in the 2018 work programme, also to arrange a clean-up of the area. This was done and a scheme to resurface the black path was included in the 2018 programme of works. The preparation works for this have been completed and resurfacing of the path will take place in November/December."