Monday, 19th November 19, 2018
Minutes of Meeting of Housing SPC on 13th September 2018
Cllr C. King (Chair), Cllr M. Ward, Cllr M. Duff, Cllr L. Dunne, Cllr M. Genockey, Cllr. T. Gilligan, Cllr K. Mahon, C. McClean & B. Tyrrell-Collard.
G. McWilliams & Cllr. E. Hendrick.
Also in attendance:
D. McLoughlin, Chief Executive, C. Ward, Director of Services, M. Staunton, Senior Executive Officer, N. Hanly, Senior Executive Officer, E. Leech, Senior Executive Officer & G. Fitzgibbon, Administrative Officer.
The meeting was Chaired by Cllr. C. King.
HI.1 – Minutes of Housing SPC Meeting on 10th May 2018.
The minutes of the Housing and Social Development Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of the 10th May 2018 were AGREED.
HI.2 – Proposed Date for Meeting of Sub-Committee on Allocations
It was AGREED that the sub-committee would meet on the 24th September at 1.30pm.
HI.3 – Housing Supply Update
There were contributions from Cllr. Ward, Cllr. Dunne, Cllr. King, Cllr. Duff, Cllr. Mahon and Cllr. Genockey discussing the proposals. The mixed tenure approach with some of the lands to be developed was welcomed but concerns were expressed regarding commitments previously made at Part 8 stage and the need for community facilities if the Balgaddy development was to proceed was also highlighted. The site at Fettercairn/Kilmartin was also raised and. M. Staunton agreed to examine this site as a possible site to be developed.
Following responses from D. McLoughlin and M. Staunton the reports were NOTED and it was AGREED that:
HI.4 – Update on Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy
E. Leech presented an update on the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy and it was AGREED that:
HI.5 – A.O.B.
Cllr. Mahon requested an update report on Homeless Hubs and it was agreed to provide same.
C. McLean queried the role of the proposed Land Management Development Agency and C. Ward advised that once the full detail was available on the role of the proposed agency it will be circulated to the Committee.
Cllr. Genockey requested a report detailing the numbers involved in Part Vs and any future private developments. C. Ward replied that this was being assessed and a report would be presented to SPC once the relevant data was available.
The meeting concluded at 6:45pm.