Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Minutes of Social and Community Strategic Policy Committee held at 6pm on 18th September 2018 in Community Services Conference Room.
In Attendance:
Cllr. D. O’Donovan (Chair), Latifat Olagoke, Cllr. E. Murphy, Cllr. V.Casserly, Cllr. J Graham,
Cllr. K. Egan, Cllr. S. Holland.
Officials present:
Colm Ward, Director of Services, Brian Leonard, Administrative Officer, Cathy Purdy, Administrative Officer, Paul McAlerney, Administrative Officer, Thomas McDermott, Local Sports Co-ordinator.
The meeting was Chaired by Cllr. D. O’Donovan.
Headed Item 1: Minutes of Social & Community SPC Meeting of 22nd February 2018
The Minutes of the Social & Community SPC Meeting of 22nd February 2018 were AGREED.
Headed Item 2 – Carbon Monoxide Alarm Scheme & Home Security Scheme
C. Purdy presented a report on Carbon Monoxide Alarm Scheme & Home Security Scheme.
Following questions and contributions from Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, Murphy, Casserly & Graham, L. Olagoke which were responded to by C Purdy, the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that the budget provision for 2019 should be increased for the Carbon Monoxide Alarm Scheme with a corresponding reduction to the Security Scheme.
Headed Item 3 – Community Endeavour Awards
P. McAlerney presented a report on Community Endeavour Awards.
Following questions and contributions from Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, Murphy, Casserly & Graham, L. Olagoke which were responded to by P McAlerney, the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that:
· The Heritage Officer will be contacted to encourage groups to apply for the Gradam Cultur agus Oidhreacht na hEireann category and that the inclusion of this category would be reviewed in 2019 if there were a shortage of nominations in 2018;
· A cut-off date to RSVP to Awards invitation is to be given to Councillors
Headed Item 4 – Social Inclusion Week
B. Leonard presented a report on Social Inclusion Week
Following questions and contributions from Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, Murphy, Casserly & Graham, L. Olagoke which were responded to by B. Leonard & C. Ward, the report was NOTED.
Headed Item 5 – Flavours of South Dublin 2018
B. Leonard presented a report on Flavours of South Dublin 2018
Following questions and contributions from Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, Murphy, Casserly & Graham, L. Olagoke which were responded to by B. Leonard & C. Ward, the report was NOTED.
Headed Item 6 – Representation of elected members on Committees of events and festivals
C. Ward presented a report on Representation of elected members on Committees of events and festivals
Following questions and contributions from Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, Murphy, Casserly & Graham, L. Olagoke which were responded to by P. McAlerney & C. Ward, the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that:
· The following wording to be inserted in Community Grants document as guidance only:
“While it is appropriate for groups to engage with and seek support from all their Locally Elected Members it is advisable, in the interests of fairness and transparency, that locally elected members do not hold officer posts with the community group/organisation and that the opportunity to engage with the community group/organisation be afforded to all locally elected members.”
Matters Arising (1) – Fully Accessible Toilet Facilities at festivals and community events.
Cllr Casserly reported on her item for discussion and P. McAlerney presented a report.
Following questions and contributions from Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, Murphy, Casserly & Graham, L. Olagoke which were responded to by P. McAlerney & C. Ward , the report was NOTED and it was AGREED that the provision of a fully accessible toilet facilities would be examined initially for South Dublin County Council lead events.
Cllr D O’Donovan informed the Committee that Gráinne Ni Mhuirí had resigned from the PPN and the SPC and the Committee members expressed appreciation for her contributions to the Committee.
Cllr E Murphy queried the policy on non-attendance of committee members at meetings. C. Ward informed the committee of the policy. It was AGREED that Committee members that did not send apologies for non-attendance would be sent the relevant Standing Order on attendance.
The meeting concluded at 7.15 pm