Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Update from Scrambler & Quads Regional Task Force
Due to the increasing and serious issue of scramblers operating in our parks and open spaces causing distress to residents and also causing extreme damage to our playing facilities, it was agreed earlier in 2018 to establish a regional forum / task force with representatives from the DLA’s and AGS to consider an approach to managing the problem.
Given the ongoing engagement of the Council's Road Safety Officer with An Garda Síochána and Motorcycling Ireland in relation to such issues, it was agrred that there would be such representation on this forum.
Offiicials from Department of Justice showed significant interest in the initiative and were invited to participate also.
The first meeting of the taskforce took place on Thursday 21st June 2018 in County Hall, Tallaght and was very well attended. Attendees included senior officials from
Agreed focus for the Task Force: legislation and enforcement, and is was considered timely given Minister Flanagan's recent announcement that he was set to consider additional legislation to tackle the anti-social misuse of scramblers and quad bikes.
At the second meeting of the task force which was held on 13th September 2018 representatives from the Dept of Justice, which included Minister Flanagan's legal advisor, confirmed that they have sought advice from the office of the Attorney General on a range of relevant matters and when this advice has been provided they will be in a position to proceed further.
Discussion will take place with all Road Safety Officers on a regional level together with the Motor Cross Industry and RSA for a Christmas 2018 campaign.
An analysis of realtime activity was agreed which commenced on Monday 17 to Monday 24 September: all participating local authorities will log incidents of the use of propelled vehicles in parks/open spaces.
It has been suggested that there is need for a second scrambler facility within the region, similar to the one in place in Damastown (Fingal Co Co) but identifying suitable site(s) is problematic.
From a local operational perspective: SDCC Public Realm operations have initiated works at some locations in an attempt to combat the problem of scramblers and quads accessing parks and open spaces, for example approximately 800m of high railing has been erected around Butler McGee Park at Drumcairn Estate at an approximate cost of €100,000.
Requests for works have been received for boundary treatment works at Killinarden Park, Jobstown Park, Dodder Valley Park, Tymon Park (at the Basketball Arena), Bancroft Park, Glenshane Green and St Cuthbert's Park in Clondalkin to name just some of the locations where this anti social behaviour is ongoing.
The Council is cognisant that as requests for new and improved boundary treatments continue to be received, and as the list grows, the potential cost of both honouring commitments already given as well as responding positively to new requests received has the potential to escalate to a level where the current financial provision cannot meet what is required.
Since the last meeting the second stage debate on the bill was on Dail agenda on Wednesday 17th October 2018.
The next meeting of the group is scheduled for 14th November 2018.