South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, October 17, 2018


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

Cathaoirleach's Business

"That this Area Committee calls on South Dublin County Council to provide an Emergency Hostel in The Clondalkin Area for those in need this winter to eliminate the need for anyone to sleep rough in our area, following my 9 previously agreed motions and 7 questions raised at Area Meetings and Development Plan Meeting.  We raise this again out of concern that no life is lost in what’s expected to be a harsh winter. We also ask what plans are to be put in place to deal with rough sleepers this winter."


Homeless Services for Dublin are delivered on a regional basis and are funded through DECLG, HSE and the four Local Authorities. For the Dublin region Dublin City Council is the lead agency and actions progressed through the Dublin Region Homeless Executive.

South Dublin County Council operate a  daily drop-in clinics for those homeless or at risk of homelessness from 10am to 12noon,  Monday to Friday.

There are two ‘rough sleeper’ counts each year. These are done in spring and winter.   Areas identified by Councillors and members of the public are visited to ensure an accurate count. All notifications of ‘rough sleepers’ are followed up all through the year. The Council operates an outreach service and multi-agency approach to address rough sleepers across the County.  The Outreach worker works closely with the HSE in particular in identifying rough sleepers and sourcing appropriate accommodation and support services. The needs of rough sleepers are often very complex and challenging and require a comprehensive and coordinated approach.   In some cases they have refused services and supports which are available, however the service providers working in this area continue to engage and offer supports.

It is anticipated another Cold Weather Initiative will be in place later in the year as the weather changes.   As in previous years it provides an emergency humanitarian response to the needs of persons who may be sleeping rough during cold weather. It provides dedicated additional beds to the existing number of beds available on a nightly basis in the Dublin region.  The initiative aims to support individuals, who may not access the current range of services including persons who tend not to engage with homeless accommodation providers or day services or persons who may be ineligible in terms of social welfare benefits and find themselves in very vulnerable situations without accommodation.

The Council continues to work with the DRHE to identify additional accommodation for those homeless or at risk of homelessness.