Tuesday, September 18, 2018
HEADED ITEM: Community
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Scheme & Home Security Scheme
Carbon Monoxide Alarms Scheme 2018
Funding of €20,000 which provided for a pilot Carbon Monoxide Alarms Scheme was included in the Council’s 2018 Budget.
Subsequently, the Community Department agreed that South Dublin County Partnership Company Ltd., who currently manage installations under the Council’s Smoke Alarm Scheme through their TÚS community based work placement scheme, would also manage installations under this scheme for a nominal administrative fee of €2,000 subject to appropriate and sufficient installation training being provided to the TÚS scheme participants.
Following a procurement process, EI Electronics Ltd. were awarded a contract to supply alarms and to deliver installation training to TÚS participants. This tender process resulted in capacity to service 580 households (at 2 alarms per household) with the available 2018 budget provision.
The scheme was advertised on 14th June 2018 with a proposed closing date of 23rd August, 2018. However, due to the significant level of demand, the scheme was very quickly fully subscribed and applications were closed on 27th June 2018.
The purchase of the alarms will be finalised this month with the installation training to TÚS participants also being commencing imminently with a view to rolling out actual installations over the period October 2018 to February 2019.
Home Security Scheme (Locks Scheme) 2018
Funding of €50,000 was again provided for the Home Security (Locks) Scheme in the Council’s 2018 Budget with the scheme revised and extended this year from covering Front Door Locks only to include Any External Door Locks (subject to suitability).
The existing contract with Crothers Security Company Ltd. for supply and installation of replacement locks provision under the scheme covered the 2018 installations.
The scheme was advertised on 30th April 2018 with no closing date stipulated. Applications have been quite slow this year and in addition many previous applicants who used the scheme for front door locks are now availing of the scheme for additional external locks on their property, suggesting that the scheme has now achieved a significant reach.
Installations began in July 2018 with over 300 locks now fitted and a total of 600 expected to be completed by the end of September. The total funding capacity for the scheme in 2018 provides for 939 locks.
Having considered the above information and in the context of preparing the 2019 Budget for the Community Department, the Committee’s views and recommendations are sought in terms of possible weighting of available budget allocations for these schemes.