South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


QUESTION: Councillor D. Looney

"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Dublin Mountains Tourism Project, and to make a statement on the matter?"


The proposed Dublin Mountain Visitor Centre is a joint development by South Dublin County Council, Coillte and the Dublin Mountains Partnership to create a new "gateway" to the Dublin Mountains located at the combined Massy's Wood/Estate and Montpelier Hill incorporating the Hell Fire Club site.

Following extensive public engagement on the project with the elected members, the public and relevant stakeholders, an Application and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report in relation to this project was submitted on South Dublin County Council's behalf to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) on Monday 31st July 2017 (Ref: JA0040).

In October 2017, ABP requested further additional information from the Council in relation to: Appropriate Assessment of the site; Red Squirrels; Pine Martins; Bats; and miscellaneous matters.  A comprehensive response addressing all the matters raised was submitted on the Council's behalf to ABP on 30th November 2017 including; a Further Information Response Document; a Revised Operational Management Plan; and a Red Squirrel Management Plan.  Subsequently, ABP requested that South Dublin County Council give notice that further information containing significant additional data had been furnished to ABP in relation to the application.  A public notice advertisment was placed in the national media and the further information was made available for inspection until the 8th January 2018.

On 23rd January 2018, South Dublin County Councilwas requested by ABP to reissue the notice given to the public on 30th November 2017 that the Council submitted significant further information requested by ABP in relation to the applcaiton for the proposed Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre Development.  The Council was advised that this notice was being reissued having regard to the timeframe prescribed in Article 6(7) of Directive 2011/92EU as amended by EU Directive 2014/52/EU on the effect of ceratin public and private projects on the environment (EIA Directive).  The further information which was submitted to ABP in respect of the applicaiton, could be inspected by the publc for a further period of 30 days from 31st January 2018 to the 1st March 2018.

A total of 120 submissions were received by ABP in relation to the application. 

On 7th February 2018, ABP wrote to South Dublin County Council requesting that a bird survey be conducted of the area which is the subject of the application.  The Council's agents wrote to ABP seeking clarification on this matter and a reply issued on 7th March 2018 advising that having regards to the nesting season during April and the summer months an extension of time until 30th September 2018 was granted for receipt of the additional information requested. 

The bird survey has recently been completed and is in the process of being finalised.  This will be submitted by the Council's agents to ABP in the coming weeks.

ABP have also advised that they intend to hold an oral hearing into the proposed development, that of which will be notified in due course.