Monday, September 10, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
To ask the Chief Executive to update members of plans in place to deal with the annual challenges presented by the Bonfire Season at Halloween; will he understand the concern of communities in respect of damage caused to our Open Spaces and in that regard confirm the annual cost of dealing with these matters; will he give assurances and make a statement.
The burning of waste is prohibited under legislation, bonfires waste valuable Council resources in the removal and disposal of material, while many communities also suffer from the social, economic and environmental cost of this activity.
As in previous years the Councils response this Halloween Season as provided by our Public Realm Section has already commenced in August with a number of complaints about storage of bonfire material having been received and responded to by Public Realm crews. This will continue through the months of September and October followed by clean up of bonfire sites in November.
All available resources will be deployed to the preventative collections of bonfire materials prior to this Halloween, crews will be assigned to this task as necessary during normal working hours but also at weekends and on the run up to October 31st itself.
Priority will again be given to the removal of material located beside or very close to houses, park facilities such as playgrounds and pavilions, under overhead services such as power lines, and on main traffic routes (roads/ verges) where a threat may arise to traffic and where the Council are requested to take action by the Gardaí.
The exercise to survey and map bonfire sites in 2017 recorded a total of 388 bonfire sites in total across the County, broken down as shown below. The mapping exercise will be repeated once again in 2018 and this will provide details of bonfire sites to be cleaned and these sites will also then need to be revisited for reinstatement in 2019 once ground conditions permit.
Interesting statistics to note from 2017:
The 2018 Halloween strategy is similar to the strategy engaged in previous years which also provides for a safe and pro-environmental message as follows: