South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, July 09, 2018


MOTION: Councillor D. Looney

That this Council expresses its concerns regarding Ashton Dog Pound following representations from members of the public as to its suitability, and asks for a detailed report on how this facility is inspected, how the tendering process/contract works, if animal welfare is part of the contract (and to what extent), and when this contract is over. 


Under the Control of Dogs Act 1986, as amended by the Control of Dogs (Amendment) Act 1992, local authorities are responsible for the control of dogs.

They have the power to appoint dog wardens, provide dog shelters, seize dogs, impose on-the-spot fines and take court proceedings against owners.

Section 15 of the Control of Dogs Act 1986, as amended, outlines the duties of a local authority with Section 15 (1) providing for the employment of one or more persons to be dog wardens. South Dublin County Council employs two fulltime Dog Wardens. The Wardens duties include inter alia, the seizure of dogs and their detention in order to ascertain whether an offence under the Act is being or has been committed. Wardens may enter any premises (other than a dwelling) for the purposes of such seizure and detention.

Stray dogs are dogs that are in a public place and are not accompanied by the owner or a responsible person. Dogs that are not under proper control are also considered stray dogs.

The Control of Dogs Act 1986 Section 15 (2) provides for the establishment and maintenance of "one or more shelters for dogs seized, accepted or detained under any of the provisions of this Act" and authorises the local authority to "enter into arrangements with any person for the provision and maintenance of such shelters and for the exercise by such person of the functions of the local authority under this Act, in respect of the acceptance, detention, disposal and destruction of stray and unwanted dogs".

Accordingly, in advance of expiry of the existing contract for such services,  on 27th March 2017 South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council jointly invited tenders for the provision of a dog pound service for South Dublin County Council and a dog warden and dog pound service for Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council. 

One tender was received, this tender was from Ashton Dog Pound.

Following assessment of the tender submission, which included inspections by the South Dublin County Council and Dublin City Council Veterinary Inspectors to confirm the adequacy of the facilities from a welfare perspective, the Local Authorities were satisfied that Ashton Dog Pound was able to provide the service and the contract was awarded accordingly. The contract came into effect on 1st September 2017.

To date 9 complaints have been received by SDCC regarding services delivered through the pound, some of which refer to recent social media articles, and not specific to an individual personal experience.  The claims made by all of the complainants have been unsubstantiated.    

Regular, unannounced inspections of the pound are carried out by South Dublin County Council's Veterinary Practitioners who are registered with the Register of Veterinary Practitioners maintained by the Veterinary Council of Ireland. 

In 2017 eight (8) inspections were carried out (between 1st January and 31st December – Ashton also held the previous contract), seven (7) of which were unannounced, the one (1) announced inspection was part of the tender process. To date in 2018 there have been eight (8) unannounced inspections and one (1) arranged inspection.

South Dublin County Council recognises that cleanliness is important to the well-being of dogs in enclosed situations and is satisfied that the kennels are maintained to a high standard with all kennels being clean and disinfected.

All dogs are housed in individual kennels, with blankets in plastic beds. Dogs that are suspected to be unwell are isolated with access to the isolation kennels restricted.  The pound has access to a private Veterinary Practitioner for assessment and treatment of dogs that require veterinary attention.  Twenty-four (24) hour emergency cover is also provided by the Veterinary Practitioner.

While animals are visible during announced and unannounced inspections, a clinical examination of each animal is not conducted by the SDCC Veterinary Inspector.   The pound engages the services of a veterinary inspector for this purpose. A log of illness / injury is maintained at the pound and is always available when requested. All animals impounded are scanned for microchips.

SI 306/ 1985 sets out duties to be carried out by pound keepers and include as follows:

The current contract permits two twelve month extensions. The first year is due to expire at the end of August 2018 and will be reviewed prior to any extension.