South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 25, 2018


MOTION: Councillor C. McCann

"Following the Teen Space Report at Full Council Meeting on 14th May 2018 that this Committee asks the Chief Executive to carry out a feasibility study on the suitability of the basketball court in Kingswood for such a project."


"A draft report with preliminary recommendations with regard to the Teenage Project was issued to the May 2018 Council meeting and listed the following as next steps within the project:

Further Consultation
At the time of the report the Councils’ Public Realm and Community Services are consulting further with senior managers in the three primary service providers, DDLETB, Foróige and Crosscare. These service providers have been invited to a briefing on the findings of this report and it is  intended to discuss the recommendations and explore other options that may be available. There have  been a number of questions raised by the report and the preliminary findings and draft  recommendations can be interrogated at this stage before further progress. It is intended to consult further with teenagers by assembling focus groups to:

•    Explore and expand on comments and detail gathered during the survey stage.
•    Discuss the preliminary report and draft recommendations.
•    Interrogate and verify the interpretation of the survey results.
•    Gain further information with regard to possible projects, potential locations etc.

Pilot Projects
It is intended to progress the current preliminary recommendations via a number of Pilot Projects  where various types of teenage facilities can be tested:

Recommendation 1 (Outdoor Meeting Places / Hangout Areas):

Install a Giant Bench, location to be confirmed. Funded from playspace budget.

Recommendation 2 (Unstructured Outdoor Physical Activity):
Ball Wall, Lucan. Funding committed in 2018 as part of 2017 Participatory Budget Outcome.

Recommendations 1 & 2 (Outdoor Meeting Places / Hangout Areas and Unstructured Outdoor  Physical Activity):
Provide a teen space with seating and some play equipment adjacent to a play area where teenage  facilities are lacking. Location to be confirmed. Funded from playspace budget.

Recommendation 3 (Unstructured Indoor Meeting Areas/Hangout Areas-Cafés in Parks):
A kiosk-style café, location to be confirmed

Teenage Facility Programme 2019 onwards:
The capital budget 2018-2020 has included an allocation for teenage facilities to commence in 2019.  The Final Report on the Teenage Study and Recommendations will provide the results of the further  consultation outlined above, report on the progress and preliminary outcomes of the pilot projects  and make final recommendations on the facilities that will be provided within the Teenage Facility Programme.

Kingswood may be considered as a location for a teenage facility in line with the outcomes of the survey; however it is felt that a feasibility study at this stage would be premature. Some engagement was carried out with teenagers in the Kingswood area during the recent playspace consultation stage."