South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 25, 2018


MOTION: Councillor L. Dunne

"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to give a report on what Waste Management Companies have been contacted by the Council to ask for details of households who are compliant with waste collection laws in the Tallaght area. Additionally, that the Chief Executive gives a report on what actions have been taken for those found not to be compliant, particularly around black spots."


"South Dublin County Council Waste Enforcement Section monitors the compliance of household waste collections through the implementation of an inspection regime of approved collectors and householders. Based on data submitted to the National Waste Collection Permit Office in 2017, there is in excess of 98,000 householders in receipt of household waste collection services in the SDCC Area. In accordance with the Waste Management Act 1998, as amended and South Dublin County Council Household Waste Bye-Laws 2012, householders must dispose of their household waste by

As such Waste Management Companies/Collectors can only comment on the level of compliance of their customers. Due to GDPR and Market Sensitive Information (Full Customer lists), Waste Collectors are not in a position to provide full details of compliant customers. South Dublin County Council Enforcement & Licencing does not have the staffing resources, to process in excess of 98,000 householders’ data, to confirm their compliance with legislation.

It should be noted South Dublin County Council carries out extensive inspections annually in relation to household waste. SDCC household waste inspection regime is detailed at the start of each year as part of the Annual RMCEI Plan (Recommended Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspections Plan) and is formulated based on guidance and national priorities issued by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment through the EPA and WERLA. The inspections are both routine inspections (Planned) and non-routine (Complaints). In relation to routine inspection the main areas of focus are as follows

In 2017, South Dublin County Council received approximately 260 complaints relating to the public health nuisance resulting from non-compliance with household waste legislation by householders. These complaints have been investigated by Environmental Health Officers and have been dealt with under Public Health legislation. The investigations main focus is to identify non-compliance in relation to the holding of household waste and assist householders in becoming complaint with the appropriate legislation. It should be noted, frequently there are other issues with non-complaint householders, which may require multi-agency approach in addressing the issue. The requirement for further Enforcement action is assessed by South Dublin County Council on a case by case basis.