Wednesday, June 20, 2018
MOTION: Councillor E. Higgins
that SDCC Parks in conjunction with IW would put a phased plan together to reduce the significant loss of Rathcoole Park as an amenity to the Community during these Works eg
Co sponsored: Kenneth Egan
South Dublin County Council have sent the above request to Irish Water and awaits a response. In the interim the Council can provide the following information:
The Irish Water works regarding the installation in Rathcoole Park are part of the proposed Water Supply Project – Eastern and Midlands Region (WSP) as described on the Irish Water website as follows: (full link here:
“In 2014, Irish Water embarked on a four-stage process to identify a suitable new source of water supply for the Eastern and Midlands Region. Extensive studies and research have been undertaken to identify and assess all possible supply options to meet the future water supply requirements of the region.
The Parteen Basin option was identified as the preferred scheme as it is the option which delivers the widest benefit to the greatest number of people, with the least environmental impact and in the most cost effective manner.
The Parteen Basin scheme comprises the abstraction of water from the lower River Shannon at Parteen Basin in Co. Tipperary, with water treatment nearby at Birdhill. Treated water would then be piped 170km to a termination point reservoir at Peamount in South County Dublin, connecting into the Greater Dublin network. Supplies of treated water would be made available to Midland communities along the route.
Irish Water has sought, listened to and responded to public feedback at every stage of the project's development, from assessing the need right through to identifying the preferred scheme. All research, assessments and public consultations have been undertaken in line with international best practice for the identification of need and determination of options. Feedback received during each consultation has been summarised in our reports, which are available here.
The outcome of the consultation process identified that the Parteen Basin scheme is the best option, and is the only option that meets the projects objective of providing a long-term and sustainable water supply for the Eastern and Midlands Region.”
A portion of these works traverse South Dublin County including a section of Rathcoole Park. These works have been progressed by Irish Water via a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Wayleave. Since the granting of the CPO South Dublin County Council have been liaising with Irish Water to try to ensure that there is a limited negative impact on the park including the facilities therein and to minimize the impact of the works on park users.
SDCC were notified by Irish Water of their intention to enter on South Dublin effected plots on or after 27/3/18 as follows:
“We refer to the above and confirm that the above Order was signed by Irish Water on the 24th February 2017 and subsequently confirmed on the 15th August 2017. Pursuant to said Order and in further pursuance of Section 80(1) of the Housing Act, 1966, we hereby enclose, under registered cover:-
SDCC have yet to receive notification of the exact date of works commencing within Rathcoole Park.
SDCC met with Irish Water on 09 04 2018 in order to discuss and progress many of the items included in the above motion. At the meeting Irish Water produced a draft document entitled “High level Impact Assessment of the Strategic Watermain in Rathcoole Park”. This contains a variety of information (in draft form) which may answer some of the queries above as follows:
Areas in the Park affected:
Within the draft document used for discussion it outlined the area within the park that will be impacted on and the reinstatement corridor proposed. These include the 3 playing pitches, the hedgerows and footpaths and other facilities along the route of the CPO corridor. (See attached map of CPO corridor)
The following was also outlined within the Risk Assessment section
“The health and safety of the public were significant considerations during the rotue selection of the proposed water main and that the highest safety standards have been employed for the proposed design of the strategic water main in Rathcoole Park.”
SDCC made a number of comments with regard to the affected areas, the reinstatements proposed and also requested incorporation and development of a pedestrian management plan and a communication plan to disseminate information about the project, its impacts and its proposed mitigations measures to ensure that park users, local communities and residents are informed of the relevant details and are impacted on as little as possible during the works. South Dublin provided Irish Water with a communications plan that was effective during recent similar works in a local park.
South Dublin have also requested information with regard to the reinstatement proposals and programmes for the return of this section of the park to the council; taking into account the commissioning process for the works and the necessary establishment of the playing pitches (post reinstatement). This is also awaited.
South Dublin County Council has commissioned studies in relation to the playing pitches to aid in negotiations with Irish Water with regard to reinstatement of same.
With regard to footpaths the draft document above which has yet to be finalised contains a section about risk assessments and social impacts. This includes outlines of the pedestrian management plan which Irish Water informed us would be developed into a pedestrian management plan for the construction stage.
The CPO map attached demonstrates there will be impact to east west footpaths within the main central section of the park. SDCC made a number of comments with regard to the affected areas, the reinstatements proposed and also requested incorporation and development of a pedestrian management plan and a communication plan to disseminate information about the project, its impacts and its proposed mitigations measures to ensure that park users, local communities and residents are informed of the relevant details and are impacted on as little as possible during the works. South Dublin provided Irish Water with a communications plan that was effective during recent similar works in a local park.
Financial Compensation:
All financial matters in relation to the impact of the works on the park are managed by the Office of the Chief Valuer in accordance with the CPO process. South Dublin County Council continue to liaise with the Valuer in this regard. However the criteria under which this valuation is made has to have regard to the CPO process.
The draft document referred to above outlines that the security fence will be erected at the north end of Rathcoole Park leaving a 12m opening between the proposed 2.4m high security fencing and the existing stone wall at the northern boundary of the park”
SDCC have yet to receive the finalised version of the “High level Impact Assessment of the Strategic Watermain in Rathcoole Park”.