South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, June 20, 2018


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

"That the Chief Executive issue a full report in light of the disappointing response to the active engagement by local Residents participation and Newcastle submissions in the 300k Have your say! In relation to Residents of Newcastle and to ask what community services are to be provided in the Newcastle area? also that a report into each of the unsuccessful submissions below is given and to identify how they could be achieved and in what realistic timeframe? Also to look at the deficit in Council owned land and how this can be overcome by purchasing some land for community facilities."


30 project submissions were gathered from the Newcastle area for €300k Have Your Say that were then assessed through the agreed criteria. Unfortunately, no project submissions was found to be eligible to progress to voting stage. This was due to a number of reasons, primarily owing to projects being pitched on lands not in public ownership, for projects outside of the Council's remit or due to the lack of available public land in the area itself.

However, the Council is able to provide further information regarding the possibility of the provision of play space areas, which was the primary concern of many entries from citizens in the area.

Whilst there is currently no appropriate public land available to construct a suitable play space, the Council has made contact with the Department of Education in relation to the provision of an interim site for a play space in Newcastle within Department of Education owned lands. The Department has indicated it is willing to consider such a proposal and the Council is progressing a draft design for their consideration.  The facility proposed is on a temporary basis only, pending Department of Education requirements for school development in the area.

In the meantime, the firm that has recently acquired zoned lands within the Newcastle Local Area Plan area has also expressed an interest in providing a play space. The firm has engaged a Landscape Architect to pursue this idea and has drafted proposals within the Ballynakelly area. Any proposal will be subject to public consultation. Long term plans for the area through the Newcastle Local Area Plan allows for public open space to be provided in tandem with the delivery of the development of the plan lands. Just to note, the eventual delivery of Local Area Plan development will also provide for a number of play grounds / play spaces in tandem with developments.