Monday, June 11, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
To ask the Manager to report on grass cutting to date this year in the county and to give an outline schedule of estate or road schedules to be done on a weekly basis over the summer?
Grass cutting has been greatly hampered by weather conditions which pertained through the course of the Winter and early Spring. Met Eireann rainfall data shows that rainfall for the period January to April 2018 has exceeded the mean rainfall for the same months over the 3 year period 2015 to 2017 as follows – in January rainfall exceeded the previous 3 year mean by 60%, in March the exceedance was 30% and in April it was over 80%. Met Eireann also reported throughout the month of April that soil moisture levels were still at saturation, with 76.1mm of rain having fallen in that month.
In normal conditions the Council’s grass cutting programme commences in mid March and has reached full pace by mid April with a two weekly cutting schedule established by that date. Following on from the conditions outlined above the grass cutting programme could not commence until mid April, a month behind schedule, and the programme continues to be behind schedule. Efforts are continuing to establish the two weekly roster and to make up the time lost in March and April. Ordinarily by June 1st grass areas would be getting cut for the fourth time however the programme is now only moving into the third cycle on the schedule. In addition to the impact of the long and wet Winter, conditions during the month of May with high soil moisture levels coupled with rising soil temperature levels have been such to encourage strong grass growth over the past month.
With regard to resourcing of the grass cutting operation all available staff and machinery have been assigned to the programme. In addition 10 seasonal staff have been recruited, trained and assigned to grass cutting and the associated litter picking and cleaning work on grass areas. The weed spraying programme has also commenced in May focusing on weeds and grass around lighting columns, sign poles and trees and this will continue over the coming weeks.
It is hoped that the fortnightly cutting roster in parks, estates open spaces and main roads will be established during the month of June along with the weekly cutting roster for playing pitches. The public realm maintenance schedule including the grass cutting programme can be viewed on the Council’s website under the Environment/Maintenance Schedule tabs.