Arts, Culture, Heritage, Gaeilge & Libraries SPC

           Meeting 7th February 2018 (5.30pm) – IT Conference Room




Cllr. Dermot Richardson (Chair)

Cllr. Brian Leech

Cllr. Breeda Bonner

Cllr. Madeleine Johansson

Cllr. Cora McCann

Mr. Peadar O’Caomhanaigh



Officials present:

Mr. Frank Nevin, Director of Service.

Ms. Bernadette Fennell, County Librarian

Ms. Margaret Bentley, Senior Executive Librarian

Ms. Orla Scannell, Arts Officer

Apologies:   Cllr. Dermot Looney

                    Ms. Deirdre Mooney

Headed Item 1:   Minutes of SPC meeting 1st Nov 2017

Minutes were AGREED.

Matters arising: None

Headed Item 2: 2018 SPC Work Programme – support the promotion of the “Cultural Quarter” around the Civic Theatre, Rua Red and the County Library.

Frank Nevin, Director, gave an update on the additional budget provided in Budget 2018 to the Civic Theatre and Rua Red to provide community engagement programmes in conjunction with the County Library. Plans are ongoing for the redevelopment of The Square Shopping Centre and this could lend to the advancement of an upgrade around the cultural quarter. Orla Scannell, Arts Officer, outlined that the Arts Council is carrying out a review of cultural venues around the country. Suggestions from the Members included looking at a music venue/bar; Farmer’s market; People’s Art and perhaps running some small gigs.

The verbal report was NOTED.




Headed Item 3:  2018 SPC Work Programme – Creative Ireland

Orla Scannell, Arts Officer, outlined that the submission date for the Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 is 21st February 2018. Feedback from the November Arts SPC is reflected in the draft, and the introductory sections are being finalised. The funding for 2018 has not been confirmed yet. It is planned to build on the initiatives of 2017, to support Artists and emerging Artists. A national Children’s Day of Culture is planned for June 2018.The report was NOTED.


Headed Item 4:   2018 SPC Work Programme - Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Margaret Bentley, Senior Executive Librarian, presented the draft Library Development Plan for 2018-2022. Members complimented the staff on the wide range of services that are offered in branch libraries. There was a discussion on marketing and promoting library services, along with some of the future challenges that libraries might face.

The report was NOTED.


Headed Item 5: 2018 SPC Work Programme – Delivery of the Arts Strategy 2016-2020

Orla Scannell, Arts Officer, presented an update on the Arts Development Strategy 2016-2020 under the themes 1 Sustainability; 2 Engagement, Learning and Participation; 3 Infrastructure and Points of Access and 4 Developing the Arts Service.

The report was NOTED.

Headed item 6: 2018 SPC Work Programme – Arts and Cultural Events that enhance Tourism activity in the County.

Frank Nevin, Director, gave an update on the Mountains Project; the Round Tower; Rathfarnham Castle; and Events and Festivals. A second round of consultation is taking place on the Mountains Project. It is anticipated that an Oral Hearing will take place in early summer. In the Round Tower, Volunteer Guides have been trained through funding from a community grant. School visits continue to take place. Work is planned for the upgrade of the courtyard at Rathfarnham Castle in conjunction with the OPW. Planning for Red Line Book Festival in October 2018 is progressing.

The verbal report was NOTED.