South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 11, 2018


MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole

'That this committee requests the Chief Executive to write to REPAK inviting them to make a presentation to the members regarding the current recycling process in Ireland including measures to improve recycling and the impact these measures may have on consumers.

To also request details on any planned future initiatives or campaigns by REPAK or any of it’s business members to reduce waste.


Repak is approved under licence by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment (DCCAE), to operate as a compliance scheme for packaging recovery.   This approval sets out the terms and conditions under which Repak is approved as a packaging waste recovery and recycling scheme in accordance with their application to DCCAE.

Major producers who are obligated under the European Union (Packaging) Regulations can comply either by joining an approved packaging compliance scheme (Repak) or registering as a self-complier. Self-compliance comes within the remit of city and county councils.

While Repak is responsible for recycling target achievement and operate a programme of national and sectoral educational and awareness raising activities, it does not have direct responsibility for enforcement of the Packaging Regulations. This lies with other statutory bodies including local authorities, the Office of Environmental Enforcement (EPA) and the DCCAE.

There are three Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authorities (WERLAs) for the Southern, Eastern and Midlands, and Connacht/Ulster Regions, and the Eastern Midlands Waste Regional Office (EMWRO), is responsible for the implementation of the region’s Waste Management Plan. This plan is underpinned by National and European waste legislation and its work ensures the continued management of waste, including recycling, in a safe and sustainable manner.

A report on the progress of objectives and actions of the Eastern Midlands Regional Waste Management Plan 2015 - 2021 was presented at the May 2018 SPC and this report included details on the objectives and actions relating to recycling.  A report from that meeting has been submitted to this Council Meeting and circulated to full Council.  It was reported at the May SPC meeting that a delay has occurred in relation to the release of the waste management plan annual report from the EM Regional Waste Office, resulting from issues that have arisen in the verification of national waste data by both the EPA and NWCPO.  It is hoped that this problem will be overcome soon and that the waste management plan annual report will be available and can be presented to the September meeting of the SPC.  It is also intended that Repak will be invited to the September SPC meeting to make a presentation on their current and future programmes and initiative and an invitation will issue to them soon in this regard.