South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, May 21, 2018


MOTION: Councillor C. King

"That this Area Committee calls on the CEO to immediately fund the previously proposed upwards extension of the stub wall from Knockmore Drive to Knockmore Cresent as an emergency response to the ongoing illegal incursions into Killinarden Park at this location as a first step to fully securing the park. Croí Ró Naoife GAA club have been unable to play a single match on their pitches at all this year due to the constant burning of cars on their pitches and the rallying of cars through the pitches. Killinarden walking group lot longer us the park any more due to the dangers presented by cars, scrambler and quads."


"As reported previously the boundary treatment at Killinarden Park varies from one location to another.  Some areas have only a low stub wall in place and appear to be vulnerable however do not suffer from vandalism and anti-social behaviour.  Other areas have a railing erected on top of a stub wall and should be well protected however some of these locations are targeted repeatedly for access to the park.  It may be the case that when some of the current problematic areas are resolved that other areas will then be targeted.  The perimeter of Killinarden Park has been surveyed recently and over 600 metres of boundary has been identified as being in need of additional measures.  It will not be possible to address all these locations at the one time, the proposed works will require to be phased over a peiriod of time. The following areas have been noted to be in need of attention -

  1. Donomore Avenue - Approx 140 metres of low stub wall. This requires a 1.2m high railing erected on top of it.
  2. Donomore Park - 2 missing fence panels, arrangements are being made to have these replaced.
  3. Donomore Park - Approx 75 metres of low stub wall.  this requires a 1.2m high railing to be erected on top of the wall.
  4. Knockmore Park - approx 30 metres of low wall with studs on top.  A 1.2m high railing is required to be fitted on top of the stud wall.
  5. Knockmore Drive and Crescent - approx 230 metres of low stab wall.  The wall needs to be raised to a height of 1.2m with a 1.2m high railing erected on top (similar to work done in the past at Knockmore Avenue).
  6. Killinarden Estate - a total of 3 locations have been identified where a 1.2m high railing needs to be erected on top of the existing stub wall, approx 180m length in total.

In response to requests from elected members it is proposed that item 5 on the list above will be attended to as a priority at an estimated cost of €110,000.  Item 2 on the list will also be dealt with as soon as possible, the cost related to this item is not significant. The combined cost of the remaining items 1, 3, 4 & 6 is estimated to be approximately €95,000.  These works will be examined in conjunction with other park locations requiring boundary treatment to determine the full extent and likely cost of boundary treatment works required around the County.  Once all this information is available and has been examined decisions can then be made as to how to proceed."