South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, May 16, 2018


MOTION: Councillor B. Bonner

"That this Area Committee is concerned at the condition of some of the buildings in Clondalkin that are included in the protected Structures list and asks for a report on the following structures and on the plans for their continued protection.

Fairview Oilmills

Omer Lock House

Deansrath House

Deansrath Castle

St Cuthbert's Church,  Kilmahuddrick"


Fairview Oil Mills – This structure is located in Corkagh Park Demesne and currently does not form part of the overall feasibility strategy for the parklands currently being undertaken by Public Realm. The site is secure and currently there are no plans for the structure, however the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer will look into the possibility of adding it to the list of council owned structures to be assessed during 2019 with a view to ascertaining the overall condition, this will depend on resources and budget.

Omer Lock House – Omer lock House is owned by Waterways Ireland and works to secure the property were carried out during 2012 by the owners. Further development of this site is included for in the Clonburris SDZ depending on the owners input.

Deansrath House – Deansrath House is currently in use as a Council Depot. The structure is in use and there are no concerns over the condition of the building.

Deansrath Castle – There is only a small proportion of the ruinous castle left and it is currently protected by a metal fence as it is located within public open space. Given the lack of substantial built fabric there are no plans for this site other than to keep it preserved in-situ as is.

St. Cuthbert’s Church - The site is also located within parklands and will form part of an overall plan for the area once this can be facilitated by the Public Realm Section.

All the above Protected Structures are afforded protection under Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). As some of the structures are located within public parkland any such plans for these structures will be dependent on resources from both public realm and the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer as part of an overall strategy or work programme.