South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, April 09, 2018


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

That a report is issued into the issue of dog on leads within our parks and what enforcement measures are been done to ensure the health and safety of park users what is SDCC policy? 


The primary legislation pertaining to dogs is the Control of Dogs Act 1986.  Under Section 9 of that act the owner of a dog, or the person in control of that dog, must keep the dog under effectual control. This does not specify being on a lead.

Similarly under the Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 there are specific rules relating to certain breeds of dogs.  The rules state that these dogs (or strains and crosses of them) must be kept on a short strong lead by a person over 16 years who is capable of controlling them.

Section 4.1 of the Council's Parks and Open Spaces Bye Laws provide as follows in relation to Dogs:

 4.1       Dogs:-

 4.1.1    No person: 

  1. a) Shall take into or allow to remain in a Park any dog unless it is under effective control on a leash other than in areas designated (dog runs) or at times specified by the County Council. 
  2. b) In charge of a dog in a Park shall engage it in coursing or permit it to be engaged in coursing in a Park. 

4.1.2    Persons in charge of a dog in a park shall 

  1. a) Take reasonable care to prevent it from causing annoyance to any person using the Park or worrying, chasing, injuring or disturbing any animals, birds or other creatures in the Park. 
  2. b) Be liable for any damage or injury which may be caused by the dog. 
  3. c) Remove it from the Park if so directed by an Employee of the Council or an Authorised Person.

The Council operates under an approved Work Force Plan staff compliment, and currently there is an approved number of Park Rangers (14).

Because of the large size of many of our parks and open spaces it is not always possible for personnel to be at that particular location as an incident arises. To ensure that our parks and open spaces (as provided as public amenities) are used by members of the public to the maximum extent in safety and comfort, we are committed to activation of a promotion campaign to reinforce the regulation of the ByeLaws in relation to dogs.