Tuesday, March 27, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
"To ask the Chief Executive for the latest update on the €300k for Lucan/Palmerstown as well as official clarification regarding the period by which all projects are supposed to be completed by?"
The following is the current progress report for March on the Lucan area €300K Have Your Say 2017/2018 projects. Regular updates are also provided on the website for public information.
Project | |
Project: Playground in Waterstown Park, Palmerstown |
The public consultation phase is complete from the public interaction point of view; however the input from the public is now being incorporated into the design detail. Once completed, this will be tendered in accordance with public procurement and the playground will be constructed at Waterstown Park. This tender is expected to be published in April 2018. |
Project: Planting of native apple trees, Lucan electoral area |
To celebrate the launch of National Tree Week 2018, Council staff planted an apple tree with the Mayor and the children from Scoil Aine Naofa, in Vesey Park, Lucan at 11am on Wednesday March 21st. It is proposed to plant 70 Apple trees as community orchards in the following locations: Lucan Demense, Griffeen Valley Park, Willsbrook Park, Vesey Park and Waterstown Park. |
Project: Free Library Book Banks in Public Places – Lucan Electoral Area |
South Dublin Libraries have purchased the required books to be used for the €300k Have Your Say initiative and books have been delivered to LIFE Centre, Esker Hill, Lucan (Lucan Institute of Further Education), and Palmerstown Community Centre. The books for Ballyowen Community Centre have been processed and will be available at this location soon. Further locations are being explored. |
Project: Christmas Lights in Lucan Village |
The Christmas Lights in Lucan Village were turned on at a public event on December 3rd. |
Project: Feasibility Study for the Restoration of Silver Bridge, Palmerstown |
This project is being developed in conjunction with Fingal County Council. Currently, the Fingal Architects' Department are updating a cost report to define and estimate the costs to complete basic works on the site, including cleaning, painting and improved protection. |
Project: Restoration of King John’s Bridge Griffeen Park |
A mortar analysis has now been completed which has provided specification with regard to the required materials for proposed conservation works. A meeting took place on site between the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer and Senior Exec Parks at the end of January 2018 to discuss further site clearance and vegetation removal. Due to deep roots which have penetrated the bridge structure, further investigation will be required as to how these can be removed safely without causing any damage to the original building's fabric. The Councils Architectural Conservation Officer will seek further advice from the previously engaged conservation engineer in this regard. |
Project: Access to Church and Graveyard at Mill Lane, Palmerstown |
Further clarification has been obtained with regard to the ownership of the site. It has been confirmed that the lands from Mill Lane to Palmerstown Church and Graveyard are not Council lands and the land area has not been registered. Based on the information from local community groups, the land is part of the landownership of the lower mill complex. It has also been confirmed that there is no formal Right of Way from Mill Lane onto this land, though a right of way has been informally established over the years. The issue of landownership needs to be fully discussed with regard to consent for the works. A meeting is to take place between the Area Road Engineer and the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer to discuss the issues on site and required works. |
Project: Multi-Games Wall, Lucan | The public consultation phase is complete from the public interaction point of view; however the input from the public is now being incorporated into the design detail. Once completed this will be tendered in accordance with public procurement and the multi-games wall constructed in Lucan. This tender is expected to be published in April. |