Tuesday, March 27, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
"To ask the Chief Executive for a response to my motion agreed at the December LAC as follows “That a review be carried out into the manner in which requests by local residents (the subject of several motions and questions of mine over the years) for a 3.5T restriction on Kennelsfort Rd, and on the “Cell” between the R148 at the Oval and Kennelsfort road, have been handled. In particular why has An Garda Siochana vetoed the decision of the full Council (July 2015) to have a 3.5T restriction on Kennelsfort Rd when they have apparently agreed a 3.5T restriction on the City Council controlled continuation of the same Rd named on their side as Ballyfermot Road and why has An Garda Siochana not responded to the decision of this LAC (November 2016 Item ID: 51367) to impose a 3.5T restriction on the cell between the Oval and Kennelsfort Road. And that a full report be brought before this LAC for consideration at the February meeting at the latest.” It is now a month overdue."
On 21st June 2016 the Council wrote to the Garda Commissioner following the passing of a motion at the April 2016 Lucan Area Committee Meeting asking for a review of the decision not to change the weight restriction on the Kennelsfort Road back to the 3.5 tonne limit. A reply was received on 28th July 2016 indicating that it was the view of An Garda Siochana that there was insufficient evidence to warrant the reversal of the 7.5 tonne limit on Kennelsfort Road.
On 13th January 2017 the Council again wrote to the Garda Commissioner following the passing of a motion at the November 2016 Lucan Area Committee Meeting (and subsequently presented to the full Council Meeting in December 2016 where the report was noted) seeking to replace the 7.5 tonne limit on the estate roads between the Oval (R148) and the junction of Wheatfield Road/Kennelsfort Road. Reminders were sent on 28th April 2017, on 11th August 2017 and on 24th November 2017. No response has been received to date.