-----Original Message-----
From: Evelyn Harty [mailto:Evelyn.Harty@northtippcoco.ie]
Sent: Thu 02/02/2006 15:33
To: Wicklow County Council; Carlow; Cavan County Cou ncil; Clare County Council; Cork City Concil; Cork Conty Council; Donegal County Council; Dublin City Council; Dunlaoghaire/Rathdown; Fingal County Council; Galway City Council; Galway County Council; Kerry County Council; Kildare County Council; Laois County Council; Leitrim County Council; Limerick City Council; Limerick County Council; Louth County Council; Mayo County Council; Meah County Council; Monaghan County Council; Offaly@govmail.eurokom.ie
Subject: Notice of Motion

1st February, 2006


To the Meetings Administrator


At the Adjourned January Meeting of North Tipperary County Council, the members passed the following Notice of Motion and they requested that I forward it to all County Councils for their support: -


“That this Council rejects the Hanley Report as it relates to Nenagh and all County Hospitals and demands the retention of full Acute Medical, Surgical and Accidents and Emergency Services in these Hospitals”


They also requested that I write to the Health Services Executive outlining their concerns.


I would be grateful if you would bring this motion to the attention of your members.



Yours sincerely


Rosemary Joyce

Senior Executive Officer

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