Monday 9th January 2006
QUESTION: Councillor F. McCarthy
"To ask the Manager to provide an update on the current situation pertaining to the implementation of a special 30 kph speed limit outside all schools within the County given that the enabling legislation was enacted by the Oireachtas eleven months ago?"
Regulations governing the new metric speed limit system came into force on 20th January last, and provide for the introduction of a special 30 km/h speed limit in areas where there are high volumes of vulnerable users, e.g. in the vicinity of schools. Dept. of Transport Guidelines for the application of special speed limits were subsequently published at end-April. Regulations relating to statutory signage and other requirements for the introduction of special limits were received from the Department in early December.
As previously discussed and agreed with the Members, following the initial changeover in January 2005, the Roads & Traffic Department carried out a countywide examination, review and recommended an amended schedule in relation to existing speed limits. This was subject to a lengthy consultation process and was discussed in detail with the Members before and after the required public consultation process. The final report was presented to, and agreed by the Members in November 2005, and arrangements are now being made to undertake the necessary work on site commencing January 2006.
As previously discussed and agreed with the Members, the examination and reporting on the provision of special speed limits for schools and other areas was deferred until the review of exiting limits was completed. Accordingly, work on the preparation of a report and recommendations to the Members in relation to the introduction of special speed limits is now underway, though it should be borne in mind that there are in excess of 100 schools in the County, and it will not be possible to give detailed consideration to each if positive action is to be taken within a reasonable time frame. This matter will be addressed in the report to be presented to the Members, together with a recommendation on options for proceeding. It should be noted, however, that the Department has advised that special speed limits should be introduced as a last rather than first resort, and that other traffic calming or shool safety measures should be examined in the first instance.
The Roads & Traffic Department will continue to keep the Members up to date of developments, as has hitherto been the case.